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Beavers condemn's Trevecca's caving to Islamic pressure

Jan 11, 2018 at 05:00 am by admin

MT. JULIET, TENN. (January 11, 2018) -- Trevecca Nazarene University has cancelled a scheduled event on its campus hosted by Tennessee Republican candidate for Governor Mae Beavers, who is a graduate of the University, after claims by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) that the agenda of the meeting was anti-Islam.

The Homeland Security Summit was scheduled to take place at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville from 6:30-9 pm on January 25th. The Summit was slated to include presentations by experts on the threats to American communities posed by radical political Islam, including Dr. Bill Warner, retired police officer and founder of Cathy Hinners and former U.S. military officer and founder of John Guandolo.

Earlier this week, Ibrahim Hooper, Executive Director of CAIR distributed an email criticizing the event -- and John Guandolo specifically -- as part of its Islamaphobia Watch project. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror finance trial of the Holy Land Foundation and has been formally designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.

In response to the announcement by Trevecca Nazerene University President Dan Boone cancelling the event, conservative Republican candidate for Governor Mae Beavers said:

"The best indication that the Homeland Security Summit is both necessary and important is the fact that CAIR doesn't like it. CAIR consistently opposes efforts to improve our security and protect our communities from terror attacks that are the weapon of choice of radical political Islam. Being the target of criticism from CAIR is a badge of honor, particularly when they never find any basis to criticize other Republican candidates for Governor who all apparently meet with their approval."

"Nevertheless, I am very disappointed that Trevecca would cancel our Summit based on complaints from CAIR. CAIR seeks to silence any and all voices that do not bow to their claim that Islam is "peaceful and tolerant." Sadly, the Yazdi women and children in Iraq who were targets of ISIS, the Coptic Christians in Egypt, the 300 killed by Al-Shabbab in Somalia in October, the dozens of victims at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, the 14 murdered at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, and the five service members murdered by Mohammed Abdulazeez in CHATTANOOGA, as just a few examples, might disagree with CAIR's propaganda campaign. CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center are much more focused on designating and silencing any speech they disagree with as 'hate speech' rather than confronting and condemning the truly evil and hateful ACTIONS that are produced by political Islam and which they condone."

"I grew up practically on the campus of Trevecca Nazarene University. I went to elementary school there. I graduated from college there. My husband attended college there. My dad and uncle brought the lumber from my granddaddy's sawmill in Alabama to build the McClurkan Building," Beavers adds. "Today Trevecca has abandoned Biblical principles in order embrace political correctness and promote the interests of those who deny Christ and stand opposed to everything the University has represented in the past."


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