By TONY STINNETT, Courier Sports Editor
Did you know there have been 49 elected sheriffs in Cannon County?
There have actually been 51 sheriffs when you consider men who completed terms.
Information, such as this and much more, can be found in a new book, “Cannon County, Tennessee – High Sheriffs,” which was recently published and is currently on sale for $50 at Adams Memorial Library in Woodbury.
The book, written by Adam Melton, chronicles the history and highlights of every man who has served in the capacity for Cannon County. It is 186 pages and details the service of each person.
Melton actually began doing research and working on the idea for such a book at age of 14 as a freshman in high school.
“I enjoyed doing it because it gave me a broader spectrum of what the Sheriff’s Office is about and how it can benefit the community,” Melton said. “This is something I have wanted to do for awhile so I am thrilled to finally see it accomplished.”
Audrey Cawthorn and Peggy Tate assisted Melton with the production of the book, which contains detailed history regarding the career of each sheriff in the county’s history. It includes facts, photos and years served.
The informative book also includes Constables, Woodbury Police Officers and Tennessee Highway Patrolmen.