Another analysis of the drinking water at the Adams Office Building has found the amount of four minerals to be "below detection limits."
The analysis was conducted by ESC Lab Sciences, a state certified laboratory.
Andy Jacobs of the Woodbury Water Treatment Plant collected the samples. Samples were obtained at the health department, ambulance service, election commission and school board offices.
Minerals tested for by ESC were copper, lead, iron and manganese.
The ESC report does not specifically state that the water in the building is of drinking quality.
An earlier report, conducted by Planning, Design & Research Engineers, Inc. (PDR) stated that samples tested “had a distinct corrosion color” and contained high levels of iron, lead, manganese and copper.
“The analytical results indicate that the water is not of drinking quality,” the PDR report stated.
While the ESC report does not comment on the consumption safety of the water in the Adams Building, Jacobs responded “yes” when asked if he would drink the water on a regular basis if he worked there.
Given that the results and summaries of the tests conducted by ESC and PDR appear to conflict, Cannon County Executive Mike Gannon said today (Tuesday) he would seek a third, independent agency to take samples and test the water to see if the issue can be resolved.