On Friday, April 20, Representative Mark Pody spent the day in Cannon County visiting several areas of the county.
Rep. Pody met with several people at the senior center, including Wayne Prater, Donald Preston, Colonel Jim Stone, Bob Stoetzel and Greg Rigsby. This was a question and answer period and he and his assistant were very helpful answering questions that were on peoples’ minds.
In the afternoon Rep. Pody and his assistant as well as County Commissioner Stoetzel toured one of the newest businesses in Cannon County, the Short Mountain Distillery.
There the Representative walked to the cave spring that supplies the water for the process of distillation of the spirits. Owner Billy Kaufman explained the process to them and had the Master distiller Josh Smotherman explain to them on how he cut the moonshine with the pure water from the cave spring and bring the alcohol content down to 105 proof from the original value of 180 proof.
The Representative was impressed with the operation and congratulated the workers and left them to go to another meeting in Watertown.