After Tuesday’s meeting, the Cannon County Budget Committee is ready to make a recommendation on the FY2012-2013 budget to the full Cannon County Commission during it August 14 meeting.
Taxpayers should be satisfied as there is no increase in property taxes needed to fund the proposed budget.
County employees will be happy as they will receive a 3 percent pay raise, which will be their first raise in five years.
The Cannon County School System may not be too happy, however, after four cents was taken from its share of the property tax rate.
The Cannon County Sheriff's Department will get the opportunity to purchase five new patrol cars through Capital Outlay Notes if the Commission approves the budget.
The Cannon County Ambulance Service and the REACH Afterschool Program will each get their own standalone budgets.
The breakdown of the $2.44 property tax rate shows 4 cents in debt service, 86 and a half cents for Schools, Solid Waste with 18 cents and the Ambulance Service starting off at 19 cents in their first budget outside the county general fund.
This leaves $1.16 for the remainder of the County General Fund expenses.
The proposed budget is based on $4 million of estimated revenues at the end of the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Estimated expenditures total $4,402,999, leaving an estimated ending fund balance on June 30th of next year of $125,188.