IF IT AIN'T BROKE....DON'T FIX IT !!! Well, I am here to tell ya' .....there's a lot broken and no one is fixin' it!! Sorry to start my CHAT out this way, Folks....but are you hearing what I am during this election campaign? All these issues that are being discussed are so far back into past election promises...and were never that is BROKEN!! They are not just minor issues....they are and always have been major concerns to all of us.
Did you know that we are the ONLY major country who doesn't supply FREE health care to all its citizens? Did you know that Social Security Funds have only enough for the next 19 years? Their promised goal to FIX that... is to lower taxable income rates in order for people now to put that money into a savings account and that will then take place of social security payments in later years....due to the fact that the middle class is BROKE anyway most of the time... that lowered taxable rate just ain't gonna FIX it, my friends. Who are they kidding? And, what middle class? That is disappearing. Most monies go to the upper class which is 1% of the country. Most Americans can barely pay all their bills. Many Americans are hungry and have no where to live. And, they say our country is the wealthiest nation of all. That's BROKE....they better FIX it!! Sadly, these are only the tip of the iceberg issues. I'm disgusted when I also know that here in the United States, we pay the highest prices for prescription drugs. Is it sad to know, that folks who literally cannot afford the outrageous prescription costs just go without their medications in order to put food on their table. The whole system is : BROKEN. It is so far out of whack and in debt up to their ears ...
FIX it? When? How? Who that is running for our next president will truly FIX it? It will take a lot longer to mend this mess than it did to put our nation in it.
That's why I am always asking you to help one aware of those who are really folks get older and some do not have children nearby to help them...lend a hand to maybe fix something they need repaired...if a little dinner is left over...take it to someone who would enjoy eating a nutritious meal.
If you have clothes that you no longer wear or need....make sure you hand them to person who needs them. That's how we here in our community can FIX things for a few of us anyway. Enough said....let's move on for now.
Good ole Halloween will be this Saturday and then on to Thanksgiving. Remember that when I write my CHAT it is published a week after I write that's why I wish you Happy this and that and sometimes, it gets to you a week later. I have enjoyed all the ghosts and pumpkins and holiday decorations all over. Some churches had the Trunk or Treat event which is a great idea!! The Distillery sponsored a really fun Halloween party Oct. 31st. Free admission and lots of yummy food and good music. Hope you all enjoyed that evening!!
Uncle Festus went as a spooky ghost this year. Aunt Martha was looking out the kitchen window the other night and saw Festus in his costume throwing his arms all over the place and spinning around. When Festus finally came in...Martha said: You were really trying to look like a very active ghost out there, Festus. He said: Hey, the only thing I was trying to so was get out of a huge spider web that I walked into!! Hey, I wouldn't talk, Martha....that time you paraded around your office with the back of your dress tucked into your underwear looked just as funny!! Sorry, Festus, the time you walked out of the restroom in Applebees with toilet paper stuck in your pants zipper was the real winner. (Honestly, no one could quite figure that one out !!)
The last time I heard, Martha is still on her diet. She says that she is trying to get down to her birth weight. She bought a new set of bath scales and it showed her that she had gained 3 pounds. I told her that it was probably because her new scales were covered in FUR. Gotta pay the piper, Martha, when you get that fancy!!
Cousin Clarence finally got a real paying job....he paints billboards on the highway. He got fired a week later when his boss saw the billboard where he had put a Prevent Child Obesity Ad over a McDonald's Big Mac and Fries Poster. Boy, did that advertising firm hear from the Obesity Board of Directors. Clarence didn't care....and just went to his favorite friend's wedding. Her last name was Bacon and his is Bitts. Can you imagine the marriage announcement in the newspaper: BACON-BITTS Tie the Knot.
June Mears and Helen Tenpenny visited me at the Short Mountain Trading Post on Thursday. June gave me all the directions on how to make bread in jars or coffee cans...then put a fancy ribbon around the lid and give as a Holiday Gift. She had all kinds of great gift ideas straight from her kitchen and imagination!! Thanks for coming in, Ladies. It was great to see you !! We had JoAnne, Danny and Dusty come by. Danny is a very talented walking stick craftsman. He makes them for gifts. The one really elaborate one that he was using had a real rattle snake (stuffed) wrapped around the stick and beads and feathers to boot. He enjoys the American Indian art. I gave him a Cherokee peace pipe that I had displayed at the Barn. He loved it!!
Lisa Wisdom, my excellent jewelry and stained glass vendor, told me how well her daughter did at her Track meet. Congratulations to Sydney Wisdom who placed 42nd out of 109 runners in the Junior Varsity Girls State Championship. The Junior Lionettes of Cannon County Middle School place 7th in the State!! Very Proud of you Girls!! Keep up the good work and be Number 1 next year!!
My girlfriend, Tina, was reading to me from a little recipe circular that she got in the mail. She said: It says here that I could make ice cubes with leftover wine. What is leftover wine? Well, you have to understand Tina....she enjoys her wine...but still is an excellent House Keeper. Every time she leaves a man, she keeps the house. She is also on a diet...she said when it gets to the point where she can have a mammogram and a pedicure at the same time, something has to be done about it!! Her weight is interfering with her driving. Someone honked and honked at her the other day...she rolled down her window and yelled: if you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk!! She was on her way to her exercise class. She swears that she is ready to settle down for good with an amazing man. She told me that the first 50 years of marriages is the hardest. She found out her last husband went out on her....He swore he never had an affair and promised never to do it again. That was the end of him. Tina is the prime example of: well-behaved women rarely make history!
Well Folks...gotta run for now.. But Keep in mind that Politicians and Diapers need to be changed often...for the same reason. Take care of each other...
Hugs, Savannah