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Woodbury’s Possible Fire Hall Move Put On Backburner

Aug 03, 2011 at 11:51 am by admin

The Woodbury Fire Department won't be moving anywhere, at least until 2012, as the Aldermen of Woodbury voted Tuesday night during their monthly meeting to delay any action until the town of Woodbury sees if they can get a grant to help fund the project. 

Woodbury Mayor Harold Patrick informed the Aldermen that he had received three bids
on buildings that could be used or land that could be purchased to place a town fire hall on.

The old Jennnings Motors building owners turned in a bid of $250,000.00. Their last tax appraisal came in at $211,000.00. Michael and Lana Jones gave a bid of $285,000 for their building in the industrial park across from Crane Interiors. Their last tax appraisal amounted to $175,200.00. The Joe Duggin bid was the highest at $425,000 for the Woodbury Auto Express building on Hwy. 53. His last tax appraisal was $221,500.

The roof on the old Jennings Motors building would possibly need to be replaced. It was suggested that in about two to three years if the roof was sealed it would give a continuing lifespan of 7-10 years on the roof.

There is a possible grant that would give the Town a 70/30 match. It is an ARC Grant and the
application process must be submitted by October 1st. The process of the grant being awarded is 90 days. Mayor Patrick would know one way or another in January if the town was awarded the grant. Mayor Patrick pointed out that there was no mandate set that the fire hall had to move.

Aldermen Dottie Duggin made a motion to delay action until the town of Woodbury can see whether or not they can get a grant to fund the project. Aldermen Shade Cason seconded the motion and it passed.

The Board Of Aldermen also approved the request of Charles Steelman, of the Cannon County Football Boosters. Mr. Steelman and the Boosters are planning a fundraising roadblock Saturday September 10th.

Alan Paschal, City Works Director, reported that there have been several complaints about all of the holes around the downtown area. The work is scheduled to be finished by the end of next week. The traffic light on College Street should be fixed by the state relatively soon as the plan is to mill all the way to Chilangos.

Woodbury Police Chief Tony Burnett gave an update of the status of the buildings around the square that were in various violations of city ordinances. Terry Haynes Plumbing has agreed to put curtains up around his storefront to block all of the materials being stored in the space from public view. The bank in charge of the old video store on the square has ordered windows to replace the boards currently up in the storefront of their space.

Brent Rowland, building/property maintenance inspector for Woodbury, wrote a letter to Chief Burnett in regards to the Old City Hall Building. Chief Burnett will be following up on the letter in the upcoming weeks.

The next meeting of the Mayor of Woodbury and Board Of Aldermen will be Tuesday September 4th at City Hall in Woodbury at 7:00 p.m.


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