Reservations are now open for the 17th Annual Waterfall Tour by Friends of Edgar Evins State Park on Saturday, March 17th, from 8 A.M. to about 3:30 P.M., round trip. Transportation will be on a school bus from Edgar Evins State Park, Silver Point, to Falls Creek Falls State Park, Spencer. The cost is $15 per person, plus your lunch in the park's inn.
It's easy to make online reservations through the website www.foeesp.com/waterfall-tour/ There is a link to click that will open the reservation site. If assistance is needed phone the park office for contact information for Fount Bertram, President of Friends of Edgar Evins State Park. He or Mrs. Bertram will be glad to help. The park phone numbers are: (931) 858-2114 or toll free at 1-800-250-8619.
Fall Creek Falls State Park is Tennessee's largest and most visited state park. It's main falls, for which the park is named, at 256 feet, is one of the highest waterfalls in the eastern United States. Other waterfalls within the park include Piney Falls, Cane Creek Falls and Cane Creek Cascades. The tour will include short walks to at least 3 falls, breath taking overlooks and lunch in the park inn's cafeteria. This will be a last chance to eat in the inn as the facility is scheduled for demolition in April to make way for a new building.
Edgar Evins State Park is located at 1630 Edgar Evins Park Road, Silver Point, TN 38582. The entrance is in DeKalb County, approximately 20 miles north of Smithville, 20 miles west of Cookeville and 60 miles east of Nashville. From I-40 take exit 268 at State Hwy. 96 and Center Hill Lake. Or, it is easily accessible from Cannon County by turning off Highway 70-S onto the Gassaway Road, to Liberty at Highway 70 East, past Dowelltown to the top of Snow Hill, then left on Highway 96 (Dale Ridge Road). It is then about 12 miles over the dam and past the Corps of Engineers facility to the park. The entrance will be on the right, across from the Big Rock Market and Caney Fork Outdoors.
The Friends of Edgar Evins State Park is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 organization with the sole purpose of helping the park. All profits from the tour will go toward the park. For more information about the organization visit friendsofeesp on Facebook and our website at www.foeesp.com.
If you wish to make this an overnight or weekend outing there are campgrounds and cabins at the park. Phone the park office or go online at http://tnstateparks.com/parks/about/edgar-evins to make reservations for lodging.