Tennessee's 2020-21 statewide gun hunting season for deer opens Saturday, Nov. 21. Deer gun season has the traditional opening date of the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. During gun season, sportsmen may also use muzzleloader or archery equipment. The season will continue through Jan. 3, 2021.
For more information about Tennessee's 2020-21 deer hunting seasons, refer to the 2020-21 Tennessee Hunting and Trapping Guide available online at www.tnwildlife.org, the TWRA On the Go App, or physical copies can be obtained at license agents or TWRA regional offices.
Anyone born on or after January 1, 1969 is required to carry proof of completion of a hunter education class or be in possession of the Apprentice Hunting License (along with other required licenses) while hunting any species in Tennessee.
The statewide bag limit for antlered bucks is two. No more than one antlered deer may be taken per day. Hunters are allowed the following antlerless bag limits: Unit L-3 per day, Unit A-2 per season, Unit B-1 per season, and Unit C-1 per season (Nov. 21-Dec. 6 only), and Unit D-1-per season (Nov. 21-27 only).
In Unit CWD, there is a limit of three antlerless deer per day with no season limit. The statewide bag limit of two antlered deer applies in Unit CWD. However, the statewide bag limit of two antlered deer may be exceeded within Unit CWD if taken under the Earn-A-Buck Program or taken under the Replacement Buck Program. Details on each of the programs are at www.CWDinTennessee.com. For the exact boundaries of the different deer units, hunters can refer to the guide. For complete license and permit requirements, refer to www.tnwildife.org or the 2020-21 Tennessee Hunting and Trapping Guide.