Tennessee's 2023-24 fishing regulations are now in effect and anglers are encouraged to obtain the new Tennessee Fishing Guide now available at locations throughout the state, on the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website (www.tnwildlife.org) and on the TWRA "On the Go App."
This year's guide is in a digest format. The new size is a change from the previous years' 8 ½ x 11 inches size.
"This new size will allow you to easily store the guide in your tackle box or pack," said Mark Thurman, TWRA's Fisheries Chief. "The guide will help you to stay up-to-date with fishing regulations across the state."
Hard copies of the guide are available wherever hunting and fishing licenses are sold and at the TWRA's four regional offices located in Jackson (Region I), Nashville (Region II), Crossville (Region III), and Morristown (Region IV). This year's statewide and specific region regulation changes are featured in the "What's New" section.
The TWRA offers a reminder that hunting and fishing licenses and permits are now valid for one year from the date of purchase. Licenses are available online anytime at www.GoOutdoorsTennessee.com, on the TWRA "On the Go App," or at one of 474 license agents across the state. You can also select to auto-renew your license and never worry about your license expiring again. Customers can also purchase a new design of the collector's card for any annual license. This newest waterproof, durable card features a choice of a turkey, crappie, or a racoon, the State of Tennessee's wild animal.