The docket for the Cannon County General Sessions Court of Judge Susan Melton for Tuesday, Feb. 15 features 51 defendants.
Those scheduled to appear, and the charges they face, are as follows:
Katilyn Danyelle Allen, suspended license, no proof of insurance, speeding (61/45).
Jeramy Dennis Barnes, suspended license, insurance law, registration law.
Jacqueline Lynn Barrett, shoplifting.
Justin Tyler Barrett, possession of Schedule III drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia.
William Richard Barrett, suspended license (2nd offense), expired registration, financial responsibility.
Thomas E. Baxter, revoked license, insurance law.
David Allen Bedwell, suspended license (2nd offense).
Larry Ricky Blair, Jr., possession of Schedule III drugs, possession of Schedule IV drugs, possession of Legend drugs.
Jeremy Frank Buse, revoked license (2nd offense).
Noe Israel Campos, suspended license.
Sheryl Christensen, violation of probation (2nd offense, eight counts), possession of Schedule III drugs, possession of Legend drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Alyssa Marie Coleman, suspended license.
Jeremy Wayne Duke, suspended license.
Jerry Ray Gunter, possession of Schedule III drugs.
Tracey Lavonne Guthrie, DUI, implied consent, financial responsibility.
Tansil Machell Howell, suspended license.
Elisha James Jenkins, criminal impersonation, possession of drug paraphernalia, misuse of registration, no seatbelt (2nd offense), no proof of insurance.
Dakota Trey Jones, suspended license, possession of Schedule III drugs, insurance law.
Michael Gene Jones, aggravated domestic assault, suspended license (2nd offense).
Christopher Lane Lance, revoked license, speeding (71/45), insurance law.
Anthony Paul Lecuyer, failure to give notice of accident.
Laura Luers, violation of probation (1st, 2nd and 3rd offenses).
Angela Jennifer Markum, DUI (1st offense), implied consent law.
Angela M. Davis, filing a false report, harassment.
Keianna J. Maxwell, simple possession, drug paraphernalia.
Ashley Dawn Meeks, promotion of methamphetamine manufacture, possession of Schedule VI drugs.
Amy Elizabeth Miller, domestic assault.
Sharon E. (Sherry) Morton, theft over $10,000.
Thomas Avent Muncy, simple possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Jeffrey Dewayne Nichols, revoked license.
Justin Glenn Page, suspended license.
Charles Samuel Patterson, aggravated burglary.
Nickie K. Patterson, aggravated burglary.
Jeremy Pitts, aggravated burglary.
Daniel Ray Rainey, domestic assault.
Jennie N. Rawls, revoked license (1st offense), drug paraphernalia.
Melvin Leonard Shrum, leaving the scene of a property damage accident.
Randall Clark Smotherman, DUI (2nd offense), revoked license, implied consent law.
Tara H. Spencer, DUI by consent.
William Kelly Spradley, suspended license, registration violation, financial responsibility.
Rachel Marie Srour, suspended license.
Lisa Berrett Tanton, revoked license (6th offense).
Brittney Faye Tenpenny, suspended license (2 counts), financial responsibility, registration violation.
Jeremy Lynn Tenpenny, reckless endangerment, felony evading arrest, suspended license (2 counts), violation of probation (3rd offense, 2 counts, 2nd offense).
Marcus Edward Tenpenny, reckless driving, felony evading arrest, no driver’s license (2 counts), driver’s license, registration and financial responsibility violations.
Cynthia Denise Thomas, theft under $500, suspended license.
Billy Ray Tidwell, aggravated burglary.
Terry Brian Tramel, solicitation of delivery of Schedule drugs, suspended license, financial responsibility law.
Charie A. Urban, suspended license, improper use of registration, no insurance.
John David Wallace Jr., carrying a weapon to go armed.
Shane M. West, DUI (1st offense), revoked license (4th offense), violation of implied consent, speeding (82/30), traffic control device.