The Veterans and Concerned Citizens for the Veterans of Cannon County will have a ceremony Thursday, November 11, at 11 a.m. in front of the Cannon County Courthouse, to honor our fallen heroes.
The Veterans Day Program is scheduled for Friday, November 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Gym at Cannon County High School.
The Veterans Day Parade to honor our Veterans will be Saturday, November 13, at 1 p.m. Parade starts at Edgefield.
American Legion Post #279, Woodbury, is having a Chicken and Fish Dinner at the Woodbury Grammar School from 2 to 6 p.m.. Tickets purchased early are $8.00 for adults. Tickets at the door are Adults-$10.00, children under 3 are free, and children 3 to 10 years old are $5.00. All proceeds go honoring and supporting our Veterans.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
11:00 a.m.: Reading of the names on our monument at our courthouse — Dr. Bill Jennings, Charles A. Smithson, & Tommy Woodson
Friday, November 12, 2010
*8:30 AM In the CCHS Gym
Medley of songs by CCHS band-Armed Forces Salute-under the direction of Music & Band Director Steven D. Porter & Chorus Director Robert Guffey
*Principal Tim Knox Welcome
*Special Music-CCHS Band & Chorus
*Director of School Barbara Parker Welcome & Awards presentation
*America the Beautiful-CCHS Chorus
*Col. Jim Stone presents the U.S. flag (MTSU, RHS, TN Army National Guard)
*National Anthem-CCHS Chorus
*Taps by John Lenzy House
*Lt. Col. Doyle Boyd & Riverdale HS Precision Drill Team
*CCHS Band & Chorus "The Marine Corps Birthday"
*Recognize Veterans
*The 2010 Grand Marshal, Service Vice Marshals, Concerned Citizen Vice Marshal & POW Vice Marshal
*Veterans assemble by Service Branch in the center of the Gym when your service song is played by the CCHS Band.
*CCHS Band-service songs Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard & Marines
*After all service branches are assembled Veterans line up and pass the microphone, give your name, rank, time and place of service (students be looking for that special Veteran you plan to pick at the
conclusion of the program).
*Special tribute to all Cannon County Veterans serving today-''The Wall of Honor'' Kay Barker
*Scottish Bag Pipes- Gregory Cutcliff
*Introduce the American Legion, Hilton Stone Post 279, Woodbury, Tennessee
*County Executive Mike Gannon
*Special Presentation: SPECTACULAR by the Student Council
*Woodbury City Mayor Harold Patrick
*Senator Mae Beavers
*Special Presentation
*Rep. Stratton Bone
*The CCHS Band, JRB Band & Chorus Conclusion of Program *All widows, honored guests, and Veterans go through lunch line *Veterans go to assigned classroom to talk to students after lunch
*Students will pick a Veteran. Veterans get to your classroom assignments, and then go through the lunch line. Be at your assigned classroom on time
*12:30-2:30PM-Special ceremony in front of Gym showing the proper way of retiring worn out United State's Flags by Cub Scout Den #376
*Outside displays hummer and military vehicles
*10:30-2:30PM-Special Display by The Shiloh Baptist Church. A Must See Display
*A must see-Walk trough the school to see the decorations, Art work, Science Projects & the Wall of Honor (for our men and women serving in the military today).
*Special Screening Team From The Alvin C. York Veterans Medical Center In Room 408
Saturday, November 13, 2010
*1:00PM-Parade at Edgefield
Sunday, November 14, 2010
*Local churches recognize their veterans
Joe's Place, Susan Melton, Mary Nelle Ruhl Hillis (In memory of Max Ruhl), Regions Bank, Debbie Vaughn, Dr and Mrs. William (Bill) Jennings, Cannon Courier, Ron Fryar & Kevin, Tony, Bob and Teresa Stoetzel, Woodbury Funeral Home, Kenny Gilley, Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 613, First Baptist Church, Tommy Woodson, Woodson's Pharmacy, Charles A. Smithson & Family, Tim Gentry, S & S Auto Parts Inc., DBA, Napa Auto Parts, Mitch Wilson, State Farm Insurance, Smith Funeral Home, Bill, Christine, Tim, Mike, Steve, Dr. Andrew & Rebecca Bucher, DDS, Boyd's Garage, Boyd and Jacquelyn Pitts (In Honor of Jackie Rogers, Elmus Tenpenny, Hindman's Body Shop, Roger Hindman Family, Courthouse Gang, Bobby Smith, Debbie Morris, Donald Preston, Bill Bryson, Mike Gannon, Wayne Prater, Lynne Foster, A Touch of Home, Blair Rose, Flower Occasions, Light Writers, Woodbury Flowers, Sue Patrick, Darryl T. Deason, DDS, Maxwell Livestock Market, Mane Image Hair Salon, Connie Rigsby Senior Citizens Center, First Bank, Farmers State Bank, Scotts Hill, TN, Higgins Storage, Flea Market, Carwash, and Moon Lite Drive In, Jerry Pelham, Salvage, Sam's Club, Wal-Mart, Hibon Body Shop, Joe Duggin Express, Stewart's Printing Company, Woodbury Lawn & Garden Co., Creative Design, Preston Brothers Construction Co, Rannie's Party Supplies & Alterations, Huff & Puff Trucking, Woodbury Livestock Market, Reed's Builders Supply, Woodbury Insurance Agency, McMinnville Sherrill Termite & Pest Control, Sandy Family Hair Center, Ivy Bluff Auto Salvage & 24 Hour Wrecker Service, Vance Auto Sales, Randy & Faye Vance, Jimmy Mullins, Smithson's Piggly Wiggly, First Bank of Woodbury, Nichols Construction Co, Charles Jennings, WBRY, Doug Combs,, Pedigo Real Estate & Auction, First Stop Market, Dan Bowling, Old Feed Store, J.P.'s Fine Swine BBQ, Alive Hospice, Faye Northcutt Knox, James and Romona Adkins, The Auction Barn-Wayne Bryson, Bromley-Jennings Automotive-Repair on the Square, Hoppy and Helen Davenport, Leo Parker, Palace Barber Shop, Hometown Flowers, Second Best Consignment, Potter's Ace Hardware, Mitchell & Mitchell Attorneys at Law, Paul Reed Furniture, Farm Bureau-Bob Walls & Ed Motlow, First National Bank-Tim Spry, Britt Knox and Faye Northcutt Knox, Mike and Deborah Parks, Wallace & Linda King, Medford & Lynne Foster, Louie Hillis-POW, Sandy's Salon, E&E Wholesale, James & Jean Keathley, Roger and Rachel Parker, Shotgun County Pawn and Gun