Dear Editor,
I would like to clarify the intent of the resolution that was recently adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at their monthly meeting.
The purpose of this resolution was simply to streamline the process by which residents can seek a remedy for an issue of concern. It was not, and I repeat, was not an attempt to deny or otherwise discourage residents from bringing an issue before the Board.
As has been the usual process, people waited until the monthly meeting to address a problem that otherwise could have been resolved with a simple phone call or a meeting with a department head. The intent is to provide a more timely response to an issue rather than sometimes waiting 30 days or more to make the complaint known.
Does it make sense to wait 30 days to request high grass be mowed, drainage problems be addressed, or vacant lots be cleaned? This resolution provides a more speedy response and remedy. And as stated in the resolution, if the persons involved are not satisfied with the outcome they still have the option of addressing the Board. Of course, if anyone does not want to utilize the streamlined process and wants to wait and be heard by the Board that option is always available.
One of the complaints I have heard from folks during the years I have served on the Board is that we are not responsive to the citizens needs. So this is an attempt to be more responsive and to provide a more efficient service to the community.
Thank you.
Faye Northcutt-Knox
Alderwoman, Town of Woodbury