AAA: Caution As Daylight Savings Time Approaches

Mar 06, 2025 at 06:54 am by admin

As Tennesseans prepare to "spring forward" an hour this Sunday, AAA is issuing a reminder about the dangers the time change can have on drivers.

"The time change impacts daylight hours and sleep patterns, raising the risk of drowsy driving, which can contribute to a dangerous crash," said Megan Cooper, spokeswoman for AAA - The Auto Club Group. "Even though it is only a one-hour difference, people may experience what feels like a mini-jetlag, which can take time to fully adjust to."

Common symptoms of drowsy driving include:

"It is also important to pay extra attention near schools, particularly in the mornings," Cooper continued. "Moving clocks forward one-hour means it will stay dark later into the morning, when children will be on their way to school."

A 20-year study published in "Current Biology" analyzed over 732,000 car crashes, finding a 6% increase in fatal crashes during the week following the switch to Daylight Saving Time. To protect yourself and others, AAA recommends drivers commit to the following safe driving practices: