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4-H Members attend 2019 Junior 4-H Camp

Jul 09, 2019 at 02:44 am by admin

Cannon County 4-H Members grades 4-6 enjoyed camping in Crossville, Tennessee. With the support of volunteer adult leaders, Andy Norman, Cassandra and Derrick Hughes, teen leader, Sydney Wisdom, 18 campers enjoyed the week at 4-H camp. Junior 4-H Camp allows youth to meet new friends from other counties in Middle Tennessee. Junior 4-H Camp offers young people the opportunity to zip-line, canoe, kayak, fish, swim, compete in contests, make crafts, study wildlife, learn safety techniques, campfire cooking, play various sports, and shoot archery and rifles. Camp would not be possible without supportive parents, wonderful volunteers, energetic youth, Cannon County School Transportation, and UT Extension. If you would like to sponsor a camper next summer so they can enjoy this lifetime experience, please contact our office. This year Junior 4-H Camp was a very enjoyable and exciting experience. The University of Tennessee Extension offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, or veteran status, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. If you would like more information about the 4-H program, contact the Cannon County Extension Office at 615-563-2554.


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