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Local blood drive exceeds goal

Jul 23, 2019 at 02:35 am by admin

James Sabia receives a 12 Gallon Pin from Lion Carl Hirlston.

On Thursday, July 18, 2019 the Woodbury Lions Club hosted an American Red Cross Blood Drive. Red Cross had a goal of 44 units to be collected during a time where the blood banks shelves are close to being empty.

Sixty-six volunteers to donate came and signed in, 50 giving whole blood and three gave double red cells making the drive very successful collecting 127% of goal with 56 units collected. That means 158 lives could possibly be saved this week due to our local heroes. Cannon County has again stood tall with volunteers as leaders in community service.

Those signing in and able to give were: Lion John Basinger, Tim Bell, Joe Bryson, Richard Burks, Carmela Burton, Bruce Currie, Alex Davenport, Debra Davenport, Shelby Ford, Cheryl Franklin, Bailey Goins, Tim Grandey, Orval Gray (giving his eleventh gallon), Terry Greenwood, Herbert Haley, Roger Haley (donating power reds-double red cells), Lion Patsy Hirlston, Karen Hudson, Lion Richie Hunter, Lion Travis Mattox, Rebecca McBride, Beth McCrary, Bonnie Molkentin, Sara Nokes, Racquel Novoa-Litchford, Troy Odom, Ronny Pack, Frances Paris, Tracy Parker, Sherry Pepper, James Powers, Sunshine Robbins, James Sabia (donating his 12th gallon), Lion Jeanette Todd, Doris Tucker, Patricia Walton, Blaine Wilcher, Randy Wimberly, Terri Wimberly (giving power red), Darlene Young Odom (donating her second gallon), Rachelle Weddington, Peggy Baxter, Roth Pitney ( donating first time here and power red), Natalie Bratton Allison, Jeffrey Day, Linda Day, Isabella Wilmoth (First Time Donor), Gloria Simon, Laura Nichols (one gallon donor), Kyle Todd (First Time Donor), Josh Harris, Kendall Duggin, Katelyn Duggin (First Time Donor), Chanel Arnold, and Madison Arnold.

The following assisted the Lions Club Blood Drive Committee Chairs Lion Carl Hirlston, Lion Bobby Bogard, and Lion Glenn Steakley: Lion's Brenda Bogard, Patsy Hirlston, Travis Mattox, Betty Bailey, and Lois Larimer. Community Volunteers Yvonne Grimes, Carol Davenport, Kay Campbell, and Vanessa McCrickard also helped to make the Blood Drive a big success.


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