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Share your change to support local organizations

Jul 24, 2019 at 01:55 am by admin

From left are AnnaKate Curtis, Tim Bell of the Cannon County Rescue Squad, Col. Jim Stone, Cathy Mitchell and Jay Sanders.

The MTEMC SharingChange Program, headed up by Jay Sanders, MTEMC Community Relations Coordinator, is visiting each of the MTEMC offices in the four counties in the MTEMC area, Cannon, Rutherford, Wilson, and Williamson.

Sanders, and his team, Cathy Mitchell and AnnaKate Curtis, are working hard to get the people in these four counties excited and connected to the SharingChange Round-Up Program, which is asking MTEMC Customers to sign up to have your monthly electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. Your donations would be as little as 1 cent to a maximum of 99 cents each month. All of the monies donated through the Round Up Program by the MTEMC customers in each of these counties goes back to these counties 100 percent.

MTEMC recently celebrated returning $10 million dollars to their customers.

As the Cannon County Representative on the SharingChange Board of Directors, I can assure you that all of the money donated by MTEMC Customers in Cannon County comes back to this county, through grants to our non-profit organizations, like the Cannon County Rescue Squad, the Adams Memorial Library, the SAVE Program, the Cannon County Arts Center, the Cannon County Senior Citizens Center and the American Legion Post 279. All of these wonderful organizations provide valuable services to the people of Cannon County. This is a great way to support the citizens of our county, and a great way for you to be part of giving back to Cannon County. The more customers we get to sign up for the Round Up Program the more money we will receive back.

So, as your representative and friend, I am asking you to step up and let's make Cannon County a better place for our citizens and our children. I want to thank you in advance, for signing up, doing a good thing for our community. You will be proud and feel good knowing that you are supporting the citizens of your county.

I know that I am proud to be supporting the citizens of the greatest county in our United States of America, Cannon County.


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