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Moore participates in 4-H Beef Show

Jul 30, 2019 at 01:45 am by admin

The Tennessee 4-H Livestock program offers many opportunities for 4-Her's to exhibit beef cattle throughout the state. In addition, youth may participate in livestock judging competitions, skillathon contests, 4-H Project Achievement, and Beef Quiz Bowl.

Cannon County 4-H member, DJ Moore participated in the Central Region and Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition by showing beef cattle.

This years' Beef Expo took place at Tennessee Livestock Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The beef project assists young people in gaining skills in animal care, nutrition, responsibility, grooming, and showing. He came away from the Central Region and State Livestock Shows with several awards and a wonderful experience.

We also appreciate Governor Bill Lee for encouraging the 4-H members to do their best as he reflected on how 4-H made a difference in his life, as he showed cattle and was active in the 4-H program. DJ Moore was honored to meet Governor Bill Lee!

The Tennessee Youth Livestock program offers many opportunities to exhibit beef cattle throughout the state. Therefore, we wish DJ luck as he continues to compete at fairs and other shows across the state. We are proud of DJ Moore and his winnings at the Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition!

If you have any questions about the 4-H Program, please call the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554.


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