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4-H Dairy Judging team places first at regional contest

Jul 30, 2019 at 01:48 am by admin

Cannon County 4-H Dairy Judging team wins 1st place at the regional contest: Will Byford, Abigail Buchanan, and Abbye Moore.

Congratulations to the Cannon County 4-H Dairy Judging team for winning 1st place at the Central Region Contest!!! Will Byford placed 10th high individual, Abigail Buchanan placed 7th high individual and Abbye Moore placed 6th high individual! We are now state bound on August 22nd! We are so proud of the team and their dedication to the 4-H program!

During this event, youth put their decision making skills and knowledge to the test. After ranking the cattle, the 4-H'ers' decision was compared to that of the official judge, and a score was awarded. They learn how to rank animals based on their closeness to "ideal" dairy conformation which involves functional traits associated with high milk production. Senior high members in 9th-12th grade have another portion to the contest: oral reasons. 4-H'ers must verbally defend why they placed a class as they did. This step requires youth to think under pressure and develops public speaking and communication skills.

Cannon County was very well represented at this regional contest! Each 4-H member should feel proud of their accomplishments. To learn more about dairy judging, or any 4-H activity, please contact the Cannon County Extension Office at 615-563-2554.


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