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Public Notices: 09-3-2019

Sep 03, 2019 at 03:23 am by admin


Estate of Janie Witty, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of July 2019, letters of administration in respect Janie Witty, deceased where issued to the undersigned by the County Probate Court of Cannon County, Tennessee. All persons both resident and non-residents, having claims matured and unmatured against said estate are required to file same with the clerk of the above named court within four months of the first publication of this notice, otherwise their claims will be forever barred.

This July 16th, 2019, Howard Witty, Executor of the estate of Janie Witty, deceased.





The State of Tennessee, Department of Children's Services, has filed a petition against you seeking to terminate forever your parental rights to Autumn Linnlee McDonald and Serenity Hope Faye McDonald. It appears that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you because your whereabouts are unknown. You are hereby ORDERED to serve upon Tracy Hetzel, Attorney for the Tennessee Department of Children Services, 600 Hearthwood Court, Cookeville, Tennessee 38506, (931) 239-0597, an Answer to the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the Tennessee Department of Children Services, within thirty (30) days of the last day of publication of this notice, and pursuant to Rule 103(c)(3) of the Tenn. R. Juv. P. you must also appear in the Juvenile Court of Cannon County, Tennessee at Woodbury, Tennessee on the 16th day of October, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. for the Adjudicatory Hearing on the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the State of Tennessee, Department of Children's Services If you fail to do so, a default judgment will be taken against you pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-1-117(n) and Rule 55 of the Tenn. R. of Civ. P. for the relief demanded in the Petition. You may view and obtain a copy of the Petition and any other subsequently filed legal documents at the Juvenile Court Clerk's Office, Woodbury, Tennessee.

Cannon County 911 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Cannon County 911 Emergency Communications District will meet at 6:00 pm, October 24th, at the Cannon County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 301 E High St, Woodbury, Tennessee, or such other location as may be posted at the Courthouse, where and which time the Board will consider any matter that may be properly presented. Board members may participate by electronic means. The public is invited to all meetings.

John Naylor, Chairman
911 Board of Directors
**************************** NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Estate of Vonie Ruby King

Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of August, 2019, letters of testamentary or letters of administration with respect to the estate of Vonie Ruby King, deceased were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Cannon County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-residents, having claims, matured and unmatured against the estate are required to file same with the Clerk of the Chancery Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise claims will be forever barred:

(1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this Notice if the creditor received an actual copy of the Notice to Creditors at least sixty (60) before the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posted); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date of the creditor receiving an actual copy of the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor received the copy of the Notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting) as described in (1)(A): or
(2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent's date of death.

This 19th day of August, 2019.

Sherry Hughes, Executrix of the Estate of Vonie Ruby King, deceased.


{lr 0910}


Default having been made in the terms, conditions, provisions and payments made and provided for in a Deed of Trust dated April 29, 2002, executed by Gary T. Overcast and wife, Tonya C. Overcast to Kevin T. Clayton of Knox County, Tennessee, Trustee, and recorded in Book 27, Page 750 in the Register's Office for Cannon County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness therein described to CMH Homes, Inc. d/b/a Clayton Homes. Said deed of trust was subsequently assigned to Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. as recorded in Book 196, Page 753, said Register's Office and the entire indebtedness having been called due and payable as provided in said deed of trust, and said payment not having been made, and the lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness having appointed the undersigned, David G. Mangum, as substitute trustee by written instrument dated August 22, 2019, recorded in Book 196, Page 785, in the above mentioned Register's Office, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned substitute trustee, or my designated agent, under the power and authority vested in me by said deed of trust, and having been requested to do so by the lawful owner and holder of said debt, will on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 3:45 p.m. at the front door of the Cannon County Courthouse located in Woodbury, Tennessee, sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, free from the equity of redemption, homestead and dower, and all other exemptions and rights of every kind, all of which are expressly waived in said deed of trust, the following described tract or parcel of land more particularly described as follows, to-wit:

Being all of Lot 3 of the Turkey Ridge Subdivision in Cabinet 1, Slide 200-A, located in the Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at an iron pin found in the Northerly margin of K. Parker Road (25 feet from it's center), said iron pin being located 4,150' +/- West of the centerline of Espy Road. Said iron pin is also the Southwesterly corner of Lot 4 and the Southeasterly corner of the Lot 3, which is herein described. Thence along the Northerly margin of K. Parker Road the following two calls, North 85 degrees, 14 minutes 51 seconds West 101.84 feet to an iron pin found, and North 87 degrees, 18 minutes, 54 seconds West 9.21 feet to an iron pin found at the beginning of a curve to the right. Thence along said curve: Curve data: Radius = 22.61 feet, Delta = 95 degrees, 44 minutes, 46 seconds, Length = 37.78 feet, Chord = North 39 degrees, 26 minutes, 35 seconds West 33.54 feet to an iron pin found in the Easterly margin of a 50' right-of-way (undeveloped). Thence along the Easterly margin of said 50' right-of-way, North 8 degrees, 25 minutes, 45 seconds East 190.24 feet to an iron pin found in Jernigan's Southerly boundary line. Thence along Jernigan's Southerly boundary line, South 84 degrees, 24 minutes, 32 seconds East 135.84 feet to an iron pin found at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 4. Thence along the Westerly boundary of Lot 4, South 8 degrees, 25 minutes, 45 seconds West 212.01 feet to the point of beginning. According to the survey by Franklin D. Barnes RLS 1670 dated 5-April 02.

Together with that certain 2002 CMH manufactured home (Serial No.: CLR019179TNAB).

This being a portion of the same property conveyed to Maurice B. Jernigan and wife, Irene Jernigan by Warranty Deed dated 12/03/1998 from Alva Lee Spry of record in Book 179, Page 54, Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee.

Also being the same property conveyed to Gary T. Overcast and wife, Tonya C. Overcast by deed being recorded in Book 27, Page 747, in the Register's Office for Cannon County, Tennessee.

Subject to any and all existing ROW, easements, setback lines and restrictive covenants of record in said Register's Office.

This description was taken from the deed of trust being foreclosed on of record in Book 27, Page 750, said Register's Office.

TAX MAP-PARCEL NO.: 085-005.00
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2331 K Parker Road, Bradyville, TN 37026, as shown on the tax maps for the Assessor of Property for Cannon County, TN.

This sale is subject to any and all unpaid real estate taxes; restrictive covenants, easements and setback lines; any and all redemption rights, including rights of redemption of any governmental agency, State or Federal, and any and all prior liens or encumbrances against said real property. Said sale is further subject to matters that an accurate survey of the property might disclose.

The property sold pursuant to this notice shall be sold "AS IS" and neither the Substitute Trustee nor the beneficiary of the Deed of Trust, nor any agent or attorney therefore, makes or shall make any warranty, whether express or implied, as to the condition, quality or quantity thereof, including, but not limited to, the enforceability of any lease affecting the property, the existence or absence of defaults under or the effect or this sale upon the rights of any party under such lease. The Substitute Trustee shall make no warranty of title, express or implied, and will sell and convey the subject real property by Substitute Trustee's Deed only.

The substitute trustee may adjourn or postpone the aforementioned sale of real property by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from time to time thereafter may postpone such sale by public announcement at the time and place fixed by the preceding postponement or subsequently noticed sale, and without further notice make such sale at the time fixed by the last postponement, or may, in its discretion, give a new notice of sale. If applicable, the Notice requirements of T.C.A. § 35-5-117 have been met.

Pursuant to T.C.A. § 47-9-604, this sale may also include the manufactured home described as one (1) 2002 CMH manufactured home (Serial No.: CLR019179TNAB).

The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close the sale shall, at the option of the Substitute Trustee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and, if the bid is rejected, the Substitute Trustee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is ready, willing, and able to comply with the terms thereof. The proceeds derived from the sale of the property will be applied as provided for in said deed of trust.
Terms of sale: Cash
Substitute Trustee: David G. Mangum
Substitute Trustee
2303 8th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204
(615) 255-8690
Publish Newspaper: Cannon Courier
Editions dated: Tuesday, September 3, September 10 and September 17, 2019
File #75366

Certified auditors are cordially invited to bid on auditing Cafeteria Funds limited to U.S.D.A. Procedures and Activity Funds for the Cannon County School System for the School Year ending June 30, 2020. Our cafeterias are centralized.

We have six elementary schools and one high school in our system. We will need 15 copies of the audit report. We use the standard State Audit Contract. The audit shall begin on July 15, 2020, and the auditor's report shall be filed by September 30, 2020. The schools should have their books back prior to the beginning of the school term it at all possible. Cafeteria counts should be completed the last part of April or early May.

Bids will be opened on September 6, 2019 at 1:30 PM at the Central Office, 301 W. Main Street, Woodbury, TN 37190. Bids must be received no later than September 6, 2019 by 1:30 PM to be considered. Please mark on the outside of your sealed envelope in bold letters, AUDIT BID.

Bidders are welcome to attend the Board Meeting the night of September 12, 2019, 6:30 PM., when the bid is awarded. We are an equal opportunity employer. The board reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids.

William F. Curtis, Director
Cannon County Schools

The Woodbury Board of Zoning Appeals will be conducting a public hearing on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 5:30pm at the Woodbury City Hall concerning a "Special Exception" for a duplex within the R-1, Residential District. The request is being made by Myra McCarthy who proposes to convert a house into a duplex at 401 West Colonial Street.

The public is invited to attend.



To: County Commissioners

The Cannon County Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session September 5, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Courthouse.

Agenda for September 5, 2019

1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Election of Chairman
6. Election of Chairman Pro Tern
7. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
8. Public Comment Period (15 minutes)
9. Approve Notaries.
10. Ken Morrell, State Comptroller's office to discuss property tax freeze
11. Donna Barrett (Barrett Group)
12. Resolution 2019-13 Adequate Facilities Tax
13. Form a Committee on laws regulating Rescue and Foster Care Programs for Companion Animals and Animal Shelters
14. Approve 3Star Confirmation Letter
15. Other Business
16. Adjourn

Brent Bush
County Executive


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