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American Legion National Commander to visit Patriot's Day 9/11 Ceremony

Sep 05, 2019 at 02:05 am by admin

American Legion National Commander James W. "Bill" Oxford

The Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279, in Cannon County and Woodbury has an exciting program planned for this special day, at the Cannon County High School starting at 10: 15 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2019. You can see by the lineup below, it is going to be a spectacular event.

American Legion Post 279 is very honored that the American Legion National Commander will visit our Patriot's Day Ceremony at Cannon County High School. This small Post is one of 13,000 American Legion Posts in the American Legion Organization.

Having the National Commander, James W. "Bill" Oxford, elected as the National Commander of the American Legion on August 29, 2019, during the Organization's 101st National Convention, to come to Woodbury to visit the Hilton Stone American Legion Post is indeed a great honor.

We will also have the Department of Tennessee State Commander with our National Commander. Truly a great honor for our small Post. Since being chartered in 2010 we have always prided ourselves as the Best American Legion Post in Tennessee, and maybe the United States. An example for other Posts to emulate.

The American Legion is the largest Veterans group in the United States. It is made up of Veterans from all of the military service branches, still serving our great nation. One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Membership stands at almost 2 million legionnaires, in more that 13,000 Posts worldwide. The Posts are organized into 55 Departments, one for each of the fifty states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines. The four pillars of the American Legion are: Veterans, Americanism, National Security and Children and Youth.

Commander Oxford, a Marine veteran, and his wife Frances are from Lenior, N.C., Post 29.

One special event during the Patriot's Day Ceremony, which is a must see, is when we present Certificates of Meritorious Service and trophies to the Outstanding County and City First Responders. Please come out and help us celebrate, honor our first responders and to help us to never forget the attack on America, 9/11.


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