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Defendant Fails Drug Test Locks Himself In Restroom

Jun 02, 2021 at 08:01 am by admin

Defendants who appear in Judge Susan Melton's General Sessions Court Docket for violation of probation charges can be subject to a immediate drug trust with the threat of revoking not only probation but also a defendant's bond if they fail the test. Tuesday Judge Melton presided over a lengthy docket in which she ordered Robert D. Mullins to take a test due to two counts of drug related probation violation charges.
Mullins drank plenty of water and finally after a few hours was able to take the test. He tested positive for meth. Mullins locked himself in the upstairs bathroom and refused to answer the door afterwards. After about 10 minutes had passed before court officers were able to retrieve him from the restroom. Judge Melton revoked his bond sending him straight to jail and he will have his next court date June 8th.
Follow the Cannon Court and Booking Reports in the June 8th issue of the Cannon Courier.


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