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School Threat Investigation Complete

Nov 21, 2023 at 10:37 am by admin

Cannon County School officials learned of a possible threat at Cannon County Middle School late on Monday, November 20, 2023. A Cannon County Middle School student notified a school administrator of a screenshot from a social media post concerning a possible "hit list." This situation was turned over immediately to local law enforcement, and the investigation is ongoing. The parents of the students named were notified.

Director of Schools Bonnie Patterson stated, "The safety of our students is our top priority and every threat is taken seriously. We appreciate the efforts of Cannon County Middle School Principal Annie Reed, Safety Director Bill West, and our local Cannon County Law Enforcement for their quick action. Please know we prioritize school safety and investigate all reports of threats against schools. As always, we encourage students to report anything they see or hear that threatens their safety in any way. Any person found to threaten any of our schools will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Working together, we desire the best possible learning environment and climate at all of our Cannon County Schools."

After a thorough investigation, law enforcement and School Safety Director Bill West determined there was no credible threat to school safety. Director Patterson added, "We are thankful for the quick reaction from all parites which helped with this invesigation. As always, we will continue to respond quickly to anything which may be considered a threat to student safety. It is important to talk with your children to empathize they report anything which may threaten their safety."


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