The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the staff room of the Adams Branch Library in Auburntown.
Those officials present were: Mayor Roger Turney and Councilpersons Rita Davis, Tina Nichols and Winfred Gaither.
The previous minutes of April 5, 2011 was presented for approval by the City Recorder. The minutes were reviewed and approved as presented.
The financial report was presented for approval. Following a brief discussion, (including the relationship to next FY budget), the report was approved as presented. Balance of funds as of 4/30/11 was $43,405.66
Chris Blackburn, Fire Chief, gave a report on the status of finances in the Fire Dept. He said the First Responder vehicle was about 30 years old and he wanted to replace it as soon as possible. The upkeep in getting to be a financial burden and somewhat unreliable at times when they really needed it. He asked if he City would consider making partial funds available for this purpose, should the Fire Dept. pursue this further. The Council later approved putting the request in the 2011/12 budget.
Tina Fletcher gave an update on plans being made for Red Apple Day to be held the first Saturday in August. Two of the more exciting attractions this year will be the return of Jackson Delaney and his Country Music Band and the Corn Hole Tournament.
The council adjourned at approx 6:45 PM.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder