The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 6:00 PM for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor and all Councilpersons were present except Beth Hancock.
The minutes of the previous monthly meeting of May 2012 were approved as presented by the City Recorder.
The financial report was presented and reviewed. The report was approved as presented with an ending balance $41,518.55.
Mr. Kent Smith gave an informational report as to what would be entailed in a new business venture he has plans for the old “Bunt Cooper” garage. He has plans for a mini all-purpose store providing merchandise from gas to groceries, a package store and much more. No action was taken as he did not have a license request for approval.
The Mayor presented an amended budget for the present FY and a FY budget for year 2012/2013. Following a brief discussion both budgets were approved as presented.
The Council approved the expenditure of $1500 to replace five energy-saving windows in the Community Center Bldg.
The Mayor asked that the person or persons who borrowed the volley ball net from theC.S.HawkinsParkto please return it soon.
Red Apple Day was discussed. Council person, Tina Fletcher, reported that several slots for vendors were still available for the occasion.
The meeting adjourned near 7:30 PM.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder