The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 6:00 PM for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor, Roger Turney, and the following councilmen were present: Janice Fletcher and Winfred Gaither. The following councilmen were absent: Rita Tate, Tina Fletcher and Denise Farless.
The minutes for the months of August and September 2013 were reviewed and approved as presented by the City Recorder. August's minutes approval was delayed until this month due to the absence of the City Recorder last month.
The financial report was presented ending with the Close of Business September 30th the past month. Following a brief discussion the report was approved. It should be noted that the City is struggling to keep it's finances remaining in the black. This month's report will reveal that its net worth increased by $1,473.99 with a total amount on deposit of $54, 422.42.
As there were no further business to transact the meeting adjourned at approximately 6:25 PM.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder