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Auburntown council meets

May 09, 2017 at 10:49 am by admin

APRIL 4, 2017

The Auburntown City Council met on April 4, 2017, with the following members of the City Council present: Rita Davis, Tina Fletcher, Dean Nichols, Denise Crowell, Janice Fletcher, and Mayor Roger Turney. Absent: Chris Blackburn. The meeting was called to order, and the March Minutes and Financial Report were read and approved.

Mr. Turney shared the budget to date (3/31/2016--3/31/2017) with the City Council. We will pass an amended budget next month.

Mr. Turney reported that the Auburntown Public Library is having a renovation. The old standing shelves are being removed and new shelving will be installed around the walls. This would then allow the interior space of the library to be opened up so that comfortable seating can be added. The City is planning to purchase one hotspot for the library to have available for checkout at a cost of $50 per month to the City. A hotspot enables rural families to connect to the Internet in areas where no Internet service is available. This will be especially helpful for those families with school age children whose homework assignments often require the Internet for completion. It is yet to be determined if a fee will be charged for use of the hotspot and how long a person would be allowed to keep it checked out. The Library Board will be meeting to work out these details.

Stacey Kennedy has expressed a desire to open an Auction House in the Old Kennedy Brothers store building that he owns. However, this building is located in the Flood Plain. With the City participating in the Flood Plain Program, Mr. Kennedy might be able to get assistance with insurance on this property. The bad news is that this program is possibly going to be phased out in the near future.

The City welcomes Mr. Jonathan Wanner who recently purchased Rita's Beauty Shop. He will be using the building for Youth Group gatherings.

Finally, Mr. Turney currently has completed 24 hours of Continuing Professional Education. He now has all the hours required for 2017.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Janice Fletcher, City Recorder


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