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Auburntown News

Mar 12, 2013 at 09:50 am by admin


Our sympathy to Elaine Jones Mingle and family on the death of her mom, Opha Jones who went to be with the Lord Saturday following a lengthy illness.

Robbie Owen had an overnight stay in Middle TN Medical Center. She is now home and doing well.

It's been a busy morning (Thursday) for me. Got a call from daughter-in-law, Shannon Patrick, of Murfreesboro that she was sick and grandbaby, Kullon, was getting no better from a cold he had had all week so took mom to a walk-in clinic where she tested positive for the flu. Took Kullon to see his doctor and she said he probably had the flu first as he had developed a secondary ear infection. Whew! Both are home and now on medication and sleeping!

Congratulations to our Lionettes who beat out a strong McMinn Co. team so they could play in the state tournament tonight (Thursday). We're sorry for their loss against Christian Academy of Knoxville 

Amelia Higgins - great job girl - Valedictorian of the 2013 CCHS class.

Auburn Church of Christ enjoyed a fellowship meal following Sunday services March 3rd.

Many of their ladies were away that weekend for their annual retreat.

Here's a Juicy tale - this one from Robert Patterson:  Following graduation around '55, 56, or so, one of our young men left home to "conquer the world". On a return visit, he came home in a brand new 1957 Pontiac with 3 deuces (I'm told that's 3 barrels or carburetors). Anyway he stopped in at the garage and told Juicy he believed the middle carburetor needed checking (this was done to do a little bragging!). Juicy got up, walked all the way around the car, came back, made this statement, "'Spect I could get the hood up on it by myself" and sat back down.

Here are the birthdays I have this week. Margie Gilley and Evelyn Vanderpool on the 13th. The 14th Jimmy Mingle hits the could 6. Jerry Parker, Anthony Cantrell, Charles Tyler, Gail Watson McKnight and Teresa Davis Brandon all celebrate. Oh yeah, one more - granddaughter Janna Reed hits the 18 mark on the same day. Happy adult day little girl! Sandra Gaither an Tracy Hollandsworth have a birthday the 17th. It was 32 years ago on the 19th day of March that our son, Kyle Harris Patrick, made his entrance into this world. That same day but in 1960 Trisha Dunn was born. Aiden Courage Gaither and John Mark Turney share the same day and the same year, 1998. Happy birthday to all of you.

No one got married (at least that I have listed) during this time frame so may all of you have a great week.

If you have news for this column, please e-mail me at, or call 464-4310 and leave a message if no answer.


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