Snow and ice, ice and snow - a week-long vacation for the school system. Some people even had days at home from work! Lots of sledding and some falling.
Sorry to learn that Susan Turney is "laid up" with a broken leg after falling on ice. Get well quick wishes to her.
Of course for some it went from "bikini type wear" to "sweats and heavy clothing wear" or least it did for Lisa Reed. She and some friends had spent several days enjoying sunshine and warm weather at Orange Beach, AL. only to return Monday during the first blast of our "wintry" weather.
Well here they go again! Dean and Bobby Fletcher are great grandparents. Little Annalise Renley Vance was born on February 11th, weighing in at 10 lbs. 3 oz and she is 21½ inches in length. Proud parents are Stephanie & Mark Vance and proud grandparents are Sandy & Stan Hollandsworth. Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to John Buyrl Neely who received the 2014 Ourstanding 4-H Explorer Award held recently at the Rutherford County Awards Program.
It was a busy weekend for us. Friday the 13th P-pa and I were treated to a meal by Sam and Bethany Morrison at J&G's in Manchester. We then brought Rylan and Amaieah home to spend the weekend with us so mom and dad could enjoy sights and sounds around Chattanooga for Valentines. Saturday morning, Kullon Patrick joined the crew for the night. Sister, Shiloh, spent the night with Alayna and Adrianna Reed.
Saturday night the 14th, we all attended the annual "Happy Hearts Party" sponsored by and held in the fellowship hall of Prosperity Baptist Church. Several of our men told how they met they wives (according to THEIR view).
Sunday, Patrick Thomas came home for his great birthday dinner prepared by mom, Betty Thomas. Of course, Terry was on hand but don't know how much he helped with the preparations!!
There have been several rescheduling of events and one of those is the B-Team Tournament. So keep an eye (and ear) out for the date changes.
Here's another change in dates. The Auburntown Historical Society has rescheduled its meeting for Thursday, March 26th, same time, same place, same program.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! It's time for the Auburn School Y2015 reunion. This reunion is being held every 5 years for ANYONE who has had or has connections to Auburn School. It is set for the first Saturday in June and that's the 6th so that our local Lion's Club can supply a fish and shrimp meal. But you don't have to eat - just come. However, eating will help support the projects of the Lion's Club. More details forthcoming.
Now it's time for our birthday and anniversary lists: Beginning the week's wishes on the 25th is Shayne Swift. The 26th have several celebrating, they are Kathy Davenport, Hop Turney (his 98th, WOW), Barbara Holley and Janet Tate. The 29th is also a popular date as Ronnie Gaither turns 75, Katie Hancock enters the teen years, Keely Brandon turns 10 and Peggy Seber and Amber Fann celebrate also. If there was a 29th, we would say "Happy birthday" to Jan Kennedy Hall (happy birthday anyway Jan, whichever day you celebrate).
Opening up the new month on the 2nd is Danielle Howell Smith who turns 26. Finishing up the week is Bob Whitaker on the 3rd. Happy days to all of you.
One happy anniversary wish and that goes out to Roger and Shirley Turney on the 25th.
If you have news for this column, please e-mail me at, or call 464-4310 and leave a message if no answer.