On Saturday December 23, 2011, 5th District Commissioner Kevin Mooneyham and his wife Diane placed a barn quilt at the Short Mountain Distillery on Hwy 146.
The name of this pattern is January thaw. The Mooneyhams would like to say thanks to the distillery for allowing them to place the quilt, and thanks to those who helped hang it.
Pictured, kneeling left to right, are Skylar Daniel. Short Mountain Volunteer Fire Dept. and 5th District Commissioner Kevin Mooneyham. Standing, left to right, Chris Brushaber, Short Mountain V.F.D., Brad Hall, former commissioner and Michael Underhill, Chief of Short Mountain V.F.D. Not pictured is Diane Mooneyham.
This marks the second barn quilt the Mooneyhams have placed in Cannon County. The first was hung on the barn next to the Cannon County Animal Clinic.