The Cannon County Commission's Budget Committee continued to cut through budget requests Thursday night.
The Cannon County Volunteer Fire Department's requests were examined in depth. The committee went through the various requests from the departments last Thursday; however, no one was present to represent the fire department.
One of the questions the Committee had was in the line item of contracts with public agencies. Most of the contracts dealt with upkeep of the fire equipment. The committee would like the fire board to get bids and submit their findings for further review.
The Committee then looked at the Rescue Squad Budget. Last year the rescue squad was budgeted $3,085.00. This year they requested $10,585.00. Immediately the question was asked about the line item of other equipment of $5,000. The requested money was to be put toward a statewide system; however, it was not approved.
The line item of in-service training was requested at $800, but the committee wanted to keep it at last year's amount of $521.00. The uniforms were budgeted at $1,564.00 and communication equipment at $1,000. The Rescue Squad budget was approved the same as last year, $3085.00
Other Emergency Management budget request was looked at. The committee felt that the county couldn't afford to put the EMA Director on salary, so $40,000 disappeared from the request.
The Committee allotted $500 for the line items of in-service training and maintenance and repair on equipment. Maintenance and repair services on vehicles was left at the $1,000 mark as last year's budget. Postage was left at $60.00.
Data Processing Supplies request was for $3,000. Last year the line item was budgeted at $500. The Committee decided to leave it at $500. Gasoline line item was approved $3,500.00. Uniforms a new line item was requested at $2,500 but the committee passed on giving that line item any money. After going through the requests the committee knocked off $55,140.00, making the budgeted amount $13,760, identical to last year.
The Budget Committee then turned to look at the Ambulance Emergency Medical Services budget. The Ambulance Service budget reflects all that is spent; however, the ambulance service turns back in money to the county through collections.
Director Ricky Cope says he speculates that the collections this fiscal year was about $470,000.00. The committee decided to look into salary increase requests at a later date. Overtime pay was left at $6,500.00. The committee trimmed $7,500 off the FY2011-12 request to budget the ambulance department $867,995.00
The committee then turned the page to the Library budget request. The committee denied the request to add money an assistant. Also the library requested a $2,000 increase for the Director's salary and the committee decided it won't be able to give it to her. After short discussion, it was decided to keep the library's actual budget the same as last year's budget of $160,299.00
Parks and Fair Boards was approved for $49,330.00, including a $200 increase for pool supplies
Agricultural Extension Office budget requests will be looked into closer at a later date as there are some questions in regards to salary supplements.
The Office of Veteran Services budget requests was $14,118.00 and the total contributions to other agencies is at $41,604.00.
The County General Fund Contribution list was reviewed. Some on the list include Cannon County Basketball, Cannon County Website Design, Chamber of Commerce, SAVE, Senior Center, and Stones River Watershed. No action was taken to the list as it will be reviewed again in detail in the future.
The budget committee will meet again Thursday, June 16 at 6 p.m. to continue reviewing the budget requests.