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JUNE 2018
Three local government bodies are scheduled to meet this week.
• The Cannon County Planning Commission will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at the Cannon County Courthouse starting at 6 p.m. Discussion of a proposed zoning ordinance for the county is one of the items on the agenda.
• The Cannon County Board of Commissioners will meet in special session on Thursday at 5 p.m. Budget amendments are the main agenda topic as the county looks to close its books to end the 2018-2018 fiscal year. The Cannon County Budget Committee will meeting immediately following the commission meeting.
The Town of Woodbury Board of Mayor and Aldermen will meet in special session at 5 p.m. on Friday to hear a presentation about gasification from 360 Recycling. The meeting is open to the public but only aldermen will have the opportunity to ask questions. The Town of Woodbury Board of Mayor and Aldermen will also meet in regular session Tuesday, July 3, at 7:00 p.m. at Woodbury City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
Adams Memorial Library is conducting its Libraries Rock! Summer Reading Program 2018 with a line-up of free programs for children. The programs offer opportunities for children to explore and learn about music, animals, science, story-telling, and first responders. The programs meet at 11:00 am, most are Thursday but some on Saturday, and run through July 19. (Please note that the regular Storytime meetings will take a break during the Summer Reading Program and will resume when school starts in August.) On June 28 see First Responder vehicles up close and learn what they can do. More music fun comes on July 12 with Mr. Barry & Sam, the Tune Turtle, then find out the science behind the music with Mr. Bond's Science Guys and Making Waves, Science of Sound and Vibration on July 14. The library has a series of free jam sessions and song-writing with professional musician John Salaway for ages 11 to 17, too. If you enjoy getting together with friends to improv and create music, imagine what it would be like to do so with a professional musician and published song-writer! This opportunity runs for eight weeks on Tuesday evenings at 5:50 pm from June 12 to July 31. Sign up before June 12 by calling Adams Memorial Library at 615-563-5861 and plan to come jam with John. Keep your children involved in reading and learning throughout the summer by signing them up for the Libraries Rock! Summer Reading Program. Sign-ups begin May 30, so contact the library at 615-563-5861 to sign up and learn more details. Everyone who signs up will receive a swag bag with some great gifts!
Sign Up Now for The Arts Center of Cannon County's 2018 Summer Youth Conservatory. Junior Session 2: June 18th- 29th Show: June 30th 10:00. Senior Session: July 9th-20th Show: July 21st 10:00. Summery Youth Conservatory is dedicated to the development of life skills through participation in the arts - helping kids reach a new stage! In addition to classes, this program offers the opportunity for all participants to appear on stage in a production at the end of each session. This is also a valuable opportunity to be seen on stage by Arts Center directors. Students will audition for roles in performances. Classes offered are: Fundamentals of Acting/Advanced Acting (taught by Matthew Hayes Hunter), Creative Movement/Dance (taught by Megan Castleberry - Jr. Sessions and Chase Miller - Sr. Sessions), and Voice/Music (taught by Collin Peterson. To sign up, go online at to download an application or call 615-563-2787.
JULY 2018
The 4th of July Fireworks Celebration will be here soon. The Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279 has the mission of conducting the Fireworks Celebration Event for 2018. It will be another great event for our community and all of Cannon County. There will be live entertainment, plenty of good old down home music, food booths, and fun and games for the children, and of course GREAT FIREWORKS to top off a great day of fun for all. Be sure and put Wednesday, July 4, 2018 on your calendars. More info will be coming out on WBRY and in the Cannon Courier - so stay tuned. Also, if you are a non-profit group and would like to have a food booth during the event, contact Col. Jim Stone at 615-563-6111. We are limited to five booths.
Woodbury Lions Club hosts the Award Winning One Night Walking Horse Show at the Cannon County Fairgrounds in Woodbury. Gate opens at 4 p.m. Enjoy walking horses at their best. There will be country ham sandwiches, homemade desserts (fried pies) ice cream and more. Contact Carolyn Motley at 615-563-2222 for information.
Clearfork United Methodist Church is planning a supper on Saturday, July 7. Catfish and chicken tenders are the main offerings. Sides include choice of pinto, white or green beans, hush puppies, cabbage slaw or veggie salad, French fries, homemade desserts and drink. Time is 3 to 7 p.m. For carry out orders call 615-563-1415.
The Cannon County Historical Society will meet Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM. The historical society schedule meetings throughout the year and are held at the Cannon County Senior Citizen's facility at Woodbury. Refreshments start at 6:30 PM--bring along a favorite dish. Look for the Historical Society sign at the entrance. Guest speaker for the July meeting will be Cannon County's Master Wood Crafter Alf Sharp. According to Alf what attracted him to the upper east fork was its unique rural setting and wooded landscapes. Alf now spends his time teaching in universities and trade schools. Alf has a vast knowledge of 18th and 19th century furniture designs. Bring along a friend as the society continues to explore Cannon County's unique historical heritage. Mark your calendar for this up-coming event.
Uncle Dave Macon Days, a roots rendezvous which honors traditional American music and the career of the first superstar of the Grand Ole Opry and Country Music Hall of Famer, Uncle Dave Macon. This year marks the 41st Anniversary of the annual Uncle Dave Macon Days festival starting with small beginnings which attracted only a few old-time music enthusiasts on the lawn of the Courthouse in 1978. Throughout the festival's national competitions is the best in authentic old-time music and dance with participants here locally, across the nation, and worldwide. This epic event starts Friday, July 13 and continues through July 14, 2018 in Murfreesboro, TN. The cost for both days of the festival is $10 for ages 13 and older. It's free for ages 12 and younger. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or online at
The annual Nichols Family Reunion will be held on Saturday, July 28 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. @ The Corner. On this day, we want to celebrate the lives of our families in one great Nichols Family Reunion! We are calling together all the descendants of Daniel Alexander Nichols and Sarah Melissa Vinson Nichols for a day of storytelling, great food, pictures and an awesome time together. Bring your pictures to be displayed and any other memorabilia you would like to share with the family. For more information, contact Mariea Nichols 615-563-5414, Lou Nichols 615-563-4805, Donna Nichols 615-464-4271, or Barbara Nichols Parker 615-563-4157. So bring a good story, a covered dish and join us. Hope to see you there!
With the academic year winding down, it's never too early to start preparing for summer camps. The 16th annual Southern Girls Rock Camp is accepting applications for both volunteer instructors and campers to attend the July 24-28 day camp at MTSU for girls and nonconforming youth ages 10 to 17. Managed by the Murfreesboro-based nonprofit group Youth Empowerment through Arts and Humanities, the camp's mission is to create a positive, self-affirming place for girls to express and empower themselves through music and associated creative activities. Jess Hawthorne, YEAH's outreach director, said the camp's traditional association with MTSU is one of its strongest drawing points, helping to attract both volunteers and campers over the years. The usual workshops in guitar, bass, keyboards, percussion and voice will be part of the 2018 camp, but other newer offerings include a ukulele workshop and a workshop at which campers can build their own working guitar pedals. Tuition is $320 per camper, but scholarships are available. To apply for scholarships, go to To apply to volunteer, go to To register as a camper, go to For more information, send an email to
The George and Tate Family Reunion will be held on Saturday, July 28 at the Gassaway Community Center - Main Street. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. -Lunch at noon. Relations and family friends are welcome. Bring your favorite food it's Pot Luck. Plates, napkins, cups, ice and silverware will be furnished. Bring your pictures to share with others to view days and time gone by. Information: David George - (615) 765-5249 or Gerald Tate - (615) 563-5910.
Generations of Woodbury is proud to announce that we will be hosting our 2nd annual 5k walk/run on July 14th. The purpose of this run is to appreciate all people with disabilities and understand their daily struggles. Proceeds from this run go to Generations of Woodbury client activity fund. Our fund is used in the care of our clients for things such as med bills, dental work, hygiene, clothing, etc. that they do not have the money to cover. Cost of race is $20. With early race entry you will receive a t-shirt. Deadline for early entry is June 23. If you sign up the morning of the race shirts will be available on a first come first serve basis. Registration starts at the Arts Center of Cannon County at 7 a.m. race at 7:30. Refreshments will be available and we have winners in four categories: 1st place male, 1st place female, 1st place teen age 13-17, and first place under 13. Here is a link for our race : https ://runs ig nu p. com/Race/TN /Woodbury/TakeaWalkinMyShoes. If you have questions please contact Star at 615-563-1350 or 613-318-3964.
Saint Thomas Health is hosting a FREE Medical Mission at Home at Warren County High School on Saturday, July 28th accepting patients from 8 a.m. until 2pm. Medical care, dental care, vision, and select screenings and lab tests are offered to individuals free of charge. Local community agencies will also be on site to offer additional resources. Services are provided on a first come, first served basis at Warren County High School on Pioneer Lane in McMinnville. For more information, visit
"God's Secret Army" & "What We Can't Understand" by Caroline Bartlett is on display through July 20 in The Berger Gallery of the Arts Center of Cannon County. The Berger Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-4pm. Admission is free. "God's Secret Army" is a series based on childhood memories spent being outside with my grandparents. My grandparents' strong relationship with nature instilled my own belief that there is much more going on in creation than we can even begin to understand. I remember believing all creatures (however small and nameless) were important and had a spiritual connection to God. The paintings are about how these small creatures secretly fight for us on Earth but, as busy humans, we do not see or appreciate their value and tireless efforts. "What We Can't Understand" is a series based on recent weather events and natural phenomena that we cannot understand or rationalize. The paintings try to capture my anxieties and fears of the unknown destruction that may be coming our way. I am fascinated by weather patterns, predictions and study radar screens in some small hope that this awareness might help control the outcome. I know that time will not stand still in a moment of panic and chaos but what I will never understand is the why. Why do these things happen and how do we live with the realities of what will happen next.
Upcoming performances at the Cannon County Senior Center include Gilley Brothers on July 6 and Rode West on Jukly 20. Admission $5.00. Music starts at 7:00 Additional information call 615-904-5868.
Join the Middle TN Mule Skinners in attempting to break the world record for the most mules plowing at the same time. Event set for Sept. 29 at noon at Grady Jr and Carol George Farm at 2362 Short Mountain Rd., Woodbury, TN. Event coordinatord are Danny Vaughn (931-261-6853) and Grady George Jr. (615-849-6867). To register visit
SOLID WASTE CENTER HOURS: The Current Hours of Operation at the Cannon County Convenience Center: CLOSED Sunday & Wednesday. Open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Only household waste will be accepted at the Convenience Center. There will no longer be any building materials accepted or cardboard pickup provided. Please make note of any changes.
Centertown United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall, 335 W. Green Hill Rd, Centertown, TN. 6-8:30 p.m. -- 2nd Sunday each month. Bring your guitar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, harmonica and singing voices. The Gospel Jam is open to any acoustic musician at any level of expertise. Join us ! All are welcome. Contact Tommy Gilley 931-607-9716 or view event information at
FREE: Discover Bible Series, P.O. Box 290, Woodbury, TN 37190. Write to request the series or for more information.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Celebrate Recovery from hurts, habits and hang-ups meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: If you drink alot that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours. Meetings are on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. at Stones River Hospital Cafeteria. Sunday evening and Wednesday evening meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center. Call 615-765-7179.