1172 registered Cannon County voters participated in the Super Tuesday election at the various nine voting precincts. Election officials report there are right at 8200 registered county voters and while that doesn't seem like a good turnout, considering there was 453 voters that participated in early voting or absentee voted, the outcome Tuesday surprised officials and poll workers alike.
If Cannon County had its way, current President Donald Trump would be on his way to a second four year term. Trump received 931 out of 946 votes in the Republican primary. Trump who is expected to be the Republican candidate in the election in November, ran away with the election with Joe Walsh and Bill Weld both getting three votes each. 6 Cannon County voters were uncommitted while three others wrote a candidate in the ballot.
The Democrat voters mainly chose Joe Biden who in turn won the State of Tennessee in the primary race. Locally, Biden collected 281 out of 675 votes to finish at the top of the list of the candidates fighting to run opposite of Trump. Bernie Sanders came in second with 182 votes.
Michael Bloomberg finished third with 105 votes. Elizabeth Warren was fourth with 55 votes.
A complete list of candidates along with the total votes they received Tuesday will be in the March 10th issue of the Cannon Courier.