The Cannon County Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session May 2, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Courthouse.
Agenda for May 2, 2019
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
6. Public Comment Period (15 minutes)
7. Approve Notaries.
8. Approve TCRS Rate for 19/20.
9. Approve contract for County Attorney, Chris Coats
10. Committee Rules and Regulations
11. Resolution - Wheel Tax Sunset
12. Resolution - Fairgrounds Fee
13. Resolution - Approve School Roof's
14. Approve Board of Zoning Appeals Appointment, Richie Hunter
15. Approve Beer Board Appointment, Fred Tenpenny
16. Approve Committees
17. Other Business
18. Adjourn
Brent D. Bush, County Executive