The Tennessee Department of Education in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Health and other state agencies has updated Cannon County School Officials regarding the Coronavirus - COVID-19.
Cannon County Director of Schools, William F. Curtis, stated, "We are monitoring this developing situation and will follow the guidance provided by our state officials. We ask that our students, parents/guardians, faculty, and staff to utilize 'common sense, everyday practices that individuals can take to help promote health such as hand-washing.' We have received guidance from our state officials as to procedures to stay healthy and mitigate risks and are sharing those with parents/guardians and staff personnel. Please see the attached document, Coronavirus FAQ for Parents provided by the Tennessee Department of Education. Please read this document and apply its suggestions regarding our students and staff personnel.
"We sincerely appreciate everyone's assistance in enabling Cannon County Schools to achieve our goal to - 'Provide a safe and supportive learning environment.' By staying healthy, we can continue our MISSION of Cannon County Schools - 'Preparing ALL Students for Their Future' through our VISION -'The New E3 -Engaged in Excellence Every Day.'"