Youth from the Cannon County High School chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently participated in a leadership conference held November 11-18, in Washington, DC.
Attendees participated in a weekend of trainings and sessions that challenged, informed, and motivated members and their advisers to become leaders through FCCLA. Along with more than 1,300 other members and chapter advisers, Cannon County's FCCLA chapter adviser, Connie Lorance, accompanied eleven members to the meeting.
The “Grasp Greatness” theme was reinforced in the Opening General Session by guest speaker Albert Mensah who inspired attendees with his motivational message, "Leadership: We Are All Leaders," and encouraged attendees to make the most of their powerful leadership potential.
Saturday’s agenda included training in FCCLA national programs, competitive events, and touring. Keynote speaker Paul Vitale closed out the meeting by addressing how to respect diversity and encourage individuals through positive actions.
Cannon County FCCLA would like to thank all of those that supported and contributed to funding our trip. We send our thanks to Barbara Parker, Tim Knox, and the School Board for allowing us to take the trip, and we would also like to thank our bus driver Lisa Black and chaperones Lynda Martin, Lee Campbell, Phyllis Campbell, and Becci Campbell for accompanying us on our trip.
While there, the group toured many sites including Mount Vernon, Arlington National Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, The Smithsonian, The Holocaust Museum, and The White House.
Washington is one of three nationally sponsored training conferences this fall. The National Cluster Meetings are designed to allow local students and teachers to take advantage of high-quality leadership training opportunities. .
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has more than 219,000 members and more than 6,500 chapters from 50 state associations, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The organization has involved more than ten million youth since its founding in 1945.
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience is unique among youth organizations because its programs are planned and run by members. It is the only career and technical in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. Participation in national programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.