Each year the taxpayers of Cannon County give money to a variety of organizations, associations and agencies.
One of those is the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce.
Thursday night, the Budget Committee reviewed the County General Fund “Contributions List” requests for fiscal year 2012-2013, which starts July 1. The requests for next year total $49,454, nearly $10,000 more than this year’s appropriations of $39,747.
The biggest increase being sought is from the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce, which is seeking $10,000 from the County for FY2012-2013.
That amount represents a huge jump from the $50 the County usually contributes to the Chamber. Neal Applebaum, Chamber president, will be asked to be at the next Budget Committee meeting to address the request.
Other increases being sought include the Association of County Mayors, from $150 to $1,300, and Tennessee Rehab, from $250 to $1,000.
The Budget Committee also reviewed the proposed budget of Cannon County REACH Thursday. REACH is an afterschool program.
Currently it serves five of the county's seven schools. The REACH program is funded by charging the clients on a sliding scale along with the 21st Century Grant and the Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) Grant. It was noted at the meeting that those grants will be in effect for another two years.
Total revenue brought in by the REACH program including the grants is $193,225. REACH doesn't cost the County General Fund any money. The REACH program only runs their revenue and expenses through the County’s budget. In the REACH budget, $4,000 of the $20,000 brought in by the program’s sliding fee scale is used to pay the executive's office for administrative costs.
Glenn Steakley, chairman of the Cannon County Audit Committee, presented his budget request to the Budget Committee. The total requested is $491, to help offset the costs of office supplies, benchmarking and training, postal expenses, advertising notices and any professional assistance that the committee may need.
Since the Cannon County Election Commission hadn't voted on it’s budget yet, and the Cannon County Rescue Squad hadn't been notified to be at the committee meeting Thursday, it had no choice but to put the budget hearings of those two departments off for at least another week.
The next meeting of the Cannon County Budget Committee will be Thursday, June 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Cannon County Courthouse.