MURFREESBORO - The Child Advocacy Center is pleased to announce that Cassell Galligan-Davis has been hired as the new Cannon County Coordinator. Davis will work with the Cannon County Child Protective Investigative Team to assist child abuse victims, child sexual abuse victims, drug endangered children, and their non-offending parents and grandparents.
"I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve the children and families of Cannon County," Davis said. "I believe that helping families in their time of need is the best opportunity to provide healing."
"Davis brings wealth of social work experience to this position," said Child Advocacy Center director Sharon De Boer. "Cassell was a well-respected member of the Child Protective Investigative Team for eleven years. She was employed by the Department of Children Services and she worked with the team to investigate child abuse reports, prosecute offenders, and help children and families heal from the trauma of the abuse."
Davis has 15 years of social work experience. She was employed by Friendship Home Health, Health Connect, and the Department of Children's Services. Davis is a Middle Tennessee State University graduate with a BS in Sociology and minors in Psychology and English.
In addition to her work experience in Cannon County, Davis has family ties in the community. "My husband works in Cannon County and his family calls Woodbury home," she said. "As a result, I deeply care about this community and hope that the services I will provide will enrich the lives of the families that we serve."
"Last year, the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center served 179 clients, including, 106 child abuse victims and 73 non-offending parents and grandparents," stated De Boer, "We are grateful for the local support that helped us hire Cassell to make a difference in the lives of Cannon Counties youngest and most vulnerable victims of crime--child abuse victims."
The position is funded by the Federal Victims of Crime Act grant, United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties, and the community support for the Child Advocacy Center through fundraising events like Cannon Runs for Children and Summer Santa.
For more information, please contact Cassell Galligan-Davis at (615) 563-9915, email or visit the Child Advocacy Center website at