Cannon County Commissioners will review a draft of a five-year Strategic Plan for the county when it meets in regular session Saturday at the courthouse.
The plan was authored by Neal Appelbaum, at the request of the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce. Appelbaum recently wrote two energy efficient grant applications which were approved for the Town of Woodbury and Cannon County, totalling $170,000.
The main objective of the plan is to establish an outline for future growth in the county. Another purpose is to help the county regain status as a Tennessee Three-Star community.
The Three-Star program helps rural and urban Tennessee communities achieve excellence in community development by emphasizing foundational steps and targeting community strengths to improve quality of life and grow jobs.
The Three-Star program is an important component of the state’s economic strategy that helps communities set strategic goals that will make a difference today and well into the future.
Applebaum said the plan is designed to help the county move forward and to "improve our economic condition."
One of the key components of the strategy was addressed Thursday when the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce gave its approval to the design of a new Web site for the county.
Following is the draft of the strategic plan commissioners will review Saturday, starting with a cover letter from Appelbaum
July 12, 2010
Re: DRAFT Strategic Plan
Dear County Mayor Gannon and Commissioners:
Please review the attached DRAFT Strategic Plan. I have incorporated information gathered during the last 3 Star Meeting, information from the Connected Cannon County Plan, and from the 4 questionnaires I received back (out of 12 requested).
We are quickly coming up on the August election. It is my opinion that the current Commission review, comment, and edit the Plan to then be presented for review, comment and editing by the incoming Commissioners. The newly elected Commission should vote to approve the Strategic Plan at their first meeting.
As soon as possible, please edit the Plan and return so that I can incorporate the revisions.
Thank you,
Neal Appelbaum
Cannon County
Strive for Excellence
Retain and Strengthen the Benefits of a Close knit Community
Welcome the World to the County
Demonstrate, Improve, Market and Sell our Strengths
Become a Healthful Community
Year 1: 2010-2011
1. Visibility/Marketing
a. Launch unified County/City/Chamber website:
i. Maintain events calendar: governmental, social, recreational
ii. Quarterly: test all links/verify accuracy of info on Cannon site
iii. Locate sites that link to Cannon County site and confirm correct site linkage
2. Communication
a. All Commissioners and County Dept Heads to be assigned email addresses and be provided training in the use of email/internet. Email addresses to be listed on the County website.
3. Infrastructure Analysis
a. Develop accurate maps/reports detailing water, sewer, gas line infrastructure including age of lines, current capacity, leakage
b. Community owned building and land assets
i. Generate list of structures, square footage, usage, operating costs
ii. Generate list detailing excess capacity of structures (how often are they empty)
iii. Generate list of land assets/uses
c. Connectivity/Recreation/Healthfulness
i. Walkability - Assess condition of and need for sidewalks
ii. Generate Greenway Plan
iii. Get outside and Walk
4. Business Development
a. Meet with existing business owners to assess their needs and future plans
b. Market our existing businesses/develop synergies among companies/agencies/NFPs
c. Advertise existing underutilized business facilities/developable locations
d. Brainstorm development of finished agricultural products
5. Housing
a. Analyze current housing stock: single family, multi family, owner occupied, rental, starter, retirement
b. Meet with area realtors to gather housing needs input
6. Revise Strategic Plan
Year 2: 2011-2012
1. Visibility/Marketing/Functionality
a. Website:
i. Integrate transactional governmental functions
ii. Update imagery/Add video marketing
iii. Maintain events calendar: governmental, social, recreational
iv. Quarterly: test all links/verify accuracy of info on Cannon site
v. Locate sites that link to Cannon County site and confirm correct site linkage
2. Communication
a. All Commissioners and County Dept Heads to be actively using email/internet for Communication within government and with the public.
3. Infrastructure Analysis
a. Water, sewer, gas line infrastructure
i. Determine repair/upgrade needs based on Year 1 Analysis. Research funding available.
ii. Review infrastructure growth patterns over last 40 years: 1970, 1990, 2000, 2010
iii. Draft growth plan.
b. Community owned building and land assets
i. Structures: budget for maintenance/upgrade/energy efficiency efforts
ii. Capacity: plan for better use of facilities/retirement of underutilized space
iii. Land assets: develop use plan
3. Connectivity/Recreation/Healthfulness
i. Walkability – Find funding to repair/replace/add sidewalks
ii. Greenway Plan – Find funding to effect plan
iii. Get outside and Walk
iv. Develop hiking trails at new Stones River hiking area – 266 acres
4. Business Development
a. Meet with existing business owners to assess their needs and future plans
b. Market our existing businesses/develop synergies among companies/agencies/NFPs
c. Advertise existing underutilized business facilities/developable locations
d. Agricultural products – develop business plan(s) and funding sources
5. Housing
a. Generate housing needs plan incorporating information on existing stock
b. Locate potential developable sites and developers
6. Revise Strategic Plan
Year 3: 2012-2013
1. Visibility/Marketing/Functionality
a. Website:
i. Add more transactional governmental functions
ii. Update imagery/Add video marketing
iii. Maintain events calendar: governmental, social, recreational
iv. Quarterly: test all links/verify accuracy of info on Cannon site
v. Locate sites that link to Cannon County site and confirm correct site linkage
2. Communication
a. All Commissioners and County Dept Heads to be actively using email/internet for Communication within government and with the public.
3. Infrastructure Analysis
a. Water, sewer, gas line infrastructure
i. Generate upgrade plan and apply for funding; budget for County contribution.
ii. Review growth plan. Research funding for expansion needs/wants.
iii. Meet or exceed State goals for infrastructure efficiency.
b. Community owned building and land assets
i. Begin phased plan for maintenance/upgrade/energy efficiency efforts
ii. Increase use of facilities/retirement of underutilized space
iii. Land assets: begin implementation of use plan
3. Connectivity/Recreation/Healthfulness
i. Walkability – Begin repair/replacement/new sidewalks
ii. Greenway Plan – Begin implementation of plan
iii. Get outside and Walk
iv. Market Stones River hiking trail
4. Business Development
a. Provide needed support to existing business owners
b. Market our existing businesses/develop synergies among companies/agencies/NFPs
c. Advertise existing underutilized business facilities/developable locations
d. Agricultural products – begin marketing finished products at a retail and wholesale level
5. Housing
a. Begin construction of additional housing stock
b. Market benefits and availability of new stock to potential occupants
6. Revise Strategic Plan
Year 4: 2013-2014
1. Visibility/Marketing/Functionality
a. Website:
i. Maintain/improve website: upgrade to current style.
ii. Maintain events calendar: governmental, social, recreational
iii. Quarterly: test all links/verify accuracy of info on Cannon site
2. Communication
a. All Commissioners and County Dept Heads to be actively using email/internet for Communication within government and with the public.
3. Infrastructure Analysis
a. Water, sewer, gas line infrastructure
i. Begin upgrade/repairs. Continue to budget for County contribution.
ii. Begin expansion. Budget for County contribution.
iii. Meet or exceed State goals for infrastructure efficiency.
b. Community owned building and land assets
i. Continue phased plan for maintenance/upgrade/energy efficiency efforts
ii. Increase use of facilities/retirement of underutilized space
iii. Land assets: continue implementation of use plan
iv. Create list of new buildings and land needed for 2025
c. Connectivity/Recreation/Healthfulness
1. Walkability – Continue repair/replacement/new sidewalks
2. Greenway Plan – Continue implementation of plan. Consider expansion.
3. Get outside: Walk and Hike
4. Business Development
a. Provide needed support to existing business
b. Market our existing businesses/develop synergies among companies/agencies/NFPs
c. Advertise existing underutilized business facilities/developable locations
d. Agricultural products – expand marketing of finished products. Expand program.
5. Housing
a. Continue construction of additional housing stock
b. Market benefits and availability of new stock to potential occupants
6. Revise Strategic Plan
Year 5: 2014-2015
1. Visibility/Marketing
a. Website:
i. Maintain/improve website: upgrade to current style.
ii. Maintain events calendar: governmental, social, recreational
iii. Quarterly: test all links/verify accuracy of info on Cannon site
2. Communication
a. All Commissioners and County Dept Heads to be actively using email/internet for Communication within government and with the public.
3. Infrastructure Analysis
a. Water, sewer, gas line infrastructure
i. Continue/complete upgrade/repairs
ii. Continue expansion
iii. Meet or exceed State goals for infrastructure efficiency
b. Community owned building and land assets
i. Continue phased plan for maintenance/upgrade/energy efficiency efforts
ii. Increase use of facilities/retirement of underutilized space
iii. Land assets: continue implementation of use plan
iv. Review long term buildings and land needs as projected for 2025
c. Connectivity/Recreation/Healthfulness
i. Reassess needs for community
ii. Greenway Plan – Develop expansion plan based on use and surrounding development
iii. Get outside: Walk and Hike
4. Business Development
a. Provide needed support to existing business
b. Market our existing businesses/develop synergies among companies/agencies/NFPs
c. Advertise existing underutilized business facilities/developable locations
d. Agricultural products – expand marketing of finished products. Expand program.
5. Housing
a. Assess status/condition of economy and housing in progress
b. Continue construction of additional housing stock
c. Market benefits and availability of new stock to potential occupants
6. Revise Strategic Plan