January 26, 2011 at 10:37am
Are the inmates that work that area also routinely drug tested?
Who will see that those who are supposed to closely supervise the inmates will be doing so?
If the individual/individuals were inside when the "two incidents" occurred, will they be inside again on the next go around?
Young made a good decision. He does not want to be responsible for another incident by lax and unattentive supervisors.
Did Gannon fail to have that area proper monioted to begin with?
January 26, 2011 at 11:00am
Rather than working yourself into a tissy again dailyreader, you might consider letting the situation play itself out and seeing how the new steps to better the supervision of inmates works out over the coming weeks.
January 26, 2011 at 12:03pm
I think it would be a great idea if ALL county employees were drug tested. Employees of the private sector are drug tested randomly and most are not in the public eye. The sheriif's office does random drug testing, get on board.
January 26, 2011 at 12:57pm
There are alot of people out in the county that need to be drug tested as well.
January 26, 2011 at 1:06pm
This situation is just an accident wating to happen when you mix inmates with the public no matter if they are non-violent or violent. Inmates should be worked I will go along with that but not where they are involved with the public. The drug testing will not work because are you going to test them every day? Their friends or buddys can bring them drugs or weapons each day they are working. You are giving inmates more rights than a county worker as a county worker would have been fired on the spot if they had been found with drugs in their possession. Also the taxpayers will have to pay for the cost of the drug testing. How much is that going to cost the county? You could put Wyatt Earp to supervise them and they could still could get hold of drugs or a weapon as you can't watch someone every minute of the day. Work them but not with direct contact with the public. This is not a hard thing to do.
January 26, 2011 at 1:30pm
Kevin you said you liked to read daily & dmm49's posts because you learn something.
The only thing that we learn reading these two twins is that both have nothing but stupid things to say.
One is a buttinski, meddlesome, arrogant, hateful old dust bag (dailyreader) and the other is his long lost twin brother. What could you possibly get out of reading either one of them?
I think they both belong in the garbage dump and need to be drug tested for schizophrenia drugs.
Darrell and Mike took care of the issue, now why don’t you two go volunteer to supervise some other article.
January 26, 2011 at 7:05pm
The article says this:
“However, the inmates are supposed to be closely supervised by convenience center employees while they are working.”
Are the convenience center employees qualified to supervise inmates? I too think it is a good thing to put the inmates to work, but letting the general public supervise them sounds like a bad idea. I would think that inmates should be supervised by a member of law enforcement.
January 26, 2011 at 7:11pm
Per previous article, sheriff does not have funding to station deputies at convenience center. Per this and previous article, convenience center employees will be undergoing supervisory training.
January 26, 2011 at 7:41pm
Are convenience center workers going to get raise in pay now that county is going to make them have two jobs in one.It says they will become inmate supervisor and looks like more work added to their job therefore they deserve more pay or refuse the 40 hour training.County workers need raise in pay and are behind now.
January 26, 2011 at 7:48pm
The idiocy of some of your comments never ceases to amaze me dmm49, but despite the objection of some other site members I will continue to permit you to state them. Convenience center employees have been supervising inmate workers for at least 10 years. The only difference now is they will have certified training.
January 26, 2011 at 8:42pm
They have the right also to refuse 40 hour training.And the old game of county does not have funds to pay for certain county raises and projects does not fly. What was their excuse when county had the funds they still said no.If it took county 10 years to see they messed up and they stll can not see this is wrong to let inmates to mix with public no one can watch every move with that many people going in and out.
January 26, 2011 at 9:45pm
It seems to me that inmate assistance at the place reduces the work load of the paid employees. If this is in fact not the case and inmate assistance somehow placed an additional burden on them then the inmate labor should not be provided at all. After all,we don't want to overwork these poor folks.
January 27, 2011 at 8:57am
justin1988 I do not know the real names of dailyreader or dmm49. I am sure they had to log in and provide all of that to the Courier, but I don't have access to any of that.
If you want to know then names I have give them, it would be Harry and Lloyd. I gave them those names because they remind me of the movie Dumb & Dumber when they post their comments.
dailyreader is the more dominant personaility, so he is Harry. dmm49 is the follower so he gets Lloyd.
January 27, 2011 at 12:52pm
Many of these opinions are valid arguments and worthy of reading and consideration. The rest show ignorance and or are immature garbage. A total waist of time and energy for all and are good examples of why the posting of opinions should be stopped.
I enjoy most postings and would like to see them remain. Possibly Kevin you could refuse opinions that lend nothing to the debate at hand (like this one) or at least those that offer nothing but belittlement to others. Censorship is a terrible thing but to demand courtesy and respect to all is not a outlandish request.
January 27, 2011 at 3:42pm
goober I have not weighed in on this article for the exact reason you stated: “A total waist of time and energy for all and are good examples of why the posting of opinions should be stopped".
I said it under the poll. If everyone had to write a comment using their own name instead of hiding behind a pen name then 90% of this would stop.
Censorship wouldn't be necessary, because then people would know who you were. And I know a lot of the ignorance would stop being written.
Blaming is easy. Solutions take effort. And effort is sorely lacking amongst a lot of the people who comment on these articles.
January 28, 2011 at 12:44am
We all have the right to speak our opinions. Corey, I don't understand why you let dailyreader and dmm49 get to you. That is what they want, to stir up controversy. If you ignore them they won't get the fun of seeing you irritated.
January 28, 2011 at 6:55am
To be honest, they don't "get to me" in the way that most people think. I do consider the sources and I do consider the lack of civility, common sense and general lack of knowledge that both of them bring to a discussion.
However, I think what bothers me is the lack of solutions. The constant drive to complain and never get involved or roll up their sleeves and contribute. I have said it before, solutions require effort. And based on their writings, neither one of them is ever going to actually do anything but complain.
However, I have resolved to let them roll on with their banter because they will prove to the readers time and again what they are truly about without me reminding everyone of the obvious.
January 28, 2011 at 10:43am
I gave you a opinion you do not need inmates working at the dump .Just a matter of time to a weapon is brought back to the jail good inmate or bad this another open door with traffic in and out no one can see every move that they make.And county is now going to fire county worker at the dump if a inmate does something wrong when it is the inmates and their buddies bringing in weapons and drugs.Even after training and drug testing county worker this will not solve problem.The solution is do not work inmates at the dump.
January 28, 2011 at 4:16pm
That is your opinion dmm49 not a solution. A solution is to take care of the problem, not create another one in the process. Using your logic is like saying I have a pimple on my nose so to get rid of it I am going to cut my nose off. Great logic!
How do you take care of the problem and get the same results? You do that by supervision and a security check of the inmates before they go back into the jail. Then you solve both problems and you get work done that is needed at no cost to the county.
I don’t believe those orange suits have pockets, so finding contraband wouldn't be that hard. And this is ONE incident in over 10 years of the inmates working at the garbage dump. To me that was a pretty good track record and a whole lot of free work that we received. Instead, we cut our nose off to prove that the "pen is mightier than the sword" as you put it.
I am cool with it. The Sheriff made the call and I respect his decision. I just hope it is pouring down rain the next time all of those who called in and “wore his phone out” have to get out and dump their own garbage. I will just keep on singing, although you might want to cover your ears.
January 28, 2011 at 4:25pm
Corey, the untold story is that there have been problems previous to these incidents at the convenience center. I have empathy for both the county executive and the sheriff with respect to this situation, but if I am forced to side with one over the other it would be with the sheriff, because the operation of the convenience center does not fall under his domain, and his staffing situation is such that he does not possess the manpower the supervise inmates working there. He has been caught between the rock and the hard place.
January 28, 2011 at 5:21pm
Kevin, like I said above. It was his decision and one that I respect.
Apparently you didn't report the other incidents or they were kept quiet because this was the first one that had been told to the public as far as I know.
Cased close as far as I am concerned. Time to move on to the next latest and greatest drama.
January 28, 2011 at 5:44pm
They were kept quite, but they were also before my time here.
January 28, 2011 at 8:21pm
when they get put in jail let them stay in the cell till its time to get out. that may make them think twice befor they get back in trouble the next time just because they where bored. if its that boring then get a job and a life and grow up and stay out of trouble people!