To: County Commissioners
The Cannon County Board of Commissioners will meet in regular session October 6, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the courtroom of the Courthouse.
Agenda for October 6, 2018
1. Call to Order
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
6. Public Comment Period (15 minutes)
7. Approve Notaries.
8. Quarterly Reports
9. Kenny Atkins to discuss boxing team.
10. Ralph Harvey to discuss footage for sale of beer.
11. Tommy Miller to discuss Youth Sports
12. Fred Howell, IDB Chairman, to discuss office space.
13. Andy Duggin, Mayor of Woodbury, to address the Commission.
14. Dek Sissom, Ambulance Director, to address the Commission.
15. Discuss Barrett Group Contract.
16. Discuss Steering Committee progress
17. Discuss $10 Wheel Tax
18. Discuss ADA Compliance
19. Other Business
20. Adjourn.
Brent Bush
County Executive