Making decisions is a part of life. Some decisions are easy, others more complicated.
People must decide where they are going to live, work and enjoy life.
Different things influence their choices, sometimes complicating matters, but they must be made.
Many decisions people must make in conjunction with their fellow citizens, such as which politician to vote for, whether taxes should be raised, or whether alcoholic beverages are made or sold in a community.
There are people who are passionate about their community and certain issues affecting it, while others, for the most part, don't really care. Fortunately, both are free to do as they please.
One issue the citizens of Cannon County are being asked to make a decision about is zoning. Basically, zoning is a consensus of the people as to what activities (housing, business, recreational,
Industrial or the like) can -- and can not -- take place in different areas of a city or county.
It is not surprising some people, landowners in particular, object to zoning. They argue it is their land, and they have a right to do with and on it whatever they legally want or can.
They have a valid point. Another valid point is a landowner who doesn't want to be told what he or she can do on their property relinquishes his or her right to say what other people can do with/or on theirs.
However, the land of Cannon County, like its people, are connected. In one sense, a parcel of land in Auburntown is as connected to a farm in Bradyville as are two cousins where the one goes to East Side and the other to West Side,
The point being what effects one can easily affect all.
Those who are interested in the future of Cannon County and where people will live, work, and go to school, and what types of business and residential developments will be a part of that, should study the information being provided by the governmental groups which have developed the zoning plan. Consider the pros and cons.
We are sure if they do, the correct decision will made in the best interest of Cannon County, both now and as well as for the future.