Set in the little village of Anatevka, the story centers on Tevye, a poor milkman, and his five daughters. With the help of a colorful and tight-knit Jewish community, Tevye tries to protect his daughters and instill them with traditional values in the face of changing social mores and the growing anti-Semitism of Czarist Russia. Rich in historical and ethnic detail, Fiddler on the Roof's universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality and religion, leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy and sadness. With iconic and beloved songs such as "Sunrise, Sunset," "If I Were a Rich Man" and "Matchmaker, Matchmaker," Fiddler on the Roof is the perfect mix of audience-pleasing humor and heart.
Directed Cyndi Verbeten with music direction by Amy Massengill, this production features Nathan Owen as Tevye, Kelly Lynn Sekuterski as Golde, Darby McCarthy as Tzeitel, Rachel Hortert as Hodel, Katie Massengill as Chava and Danielle Storvik as Yente. The cast includes, Alana Shirk, Ashleigh Chambers, Gary Davis, Max Fleischhacker, Benjamin Wichern, Zach Robinson, Nathan Lamb, Andrew Hosale, Ted Verbeten, Steven Luster, Bob Martin, Alec Lanter, Jordan Taylor, Jeremiah Sanchez, Ryan Green, Janice Denson, Fran Gebuhr, Alexius Frost, Delana Howard, Eric Massengill, Desiree Robinson, Aiden Shirk, Valerie Conover, Debbie Denson Lloyd, Holly Evans, Ryan Green, Caroline Humphries, Kaitlyn Lamb, Lourdes Luster, Amy Masengill, Ashleigh Massengill, Rachel Oppmann, Shanda Perkins, Lincoln Phillips, Catalina Rice, and Emily Tsoumbos. Fiddler on the Roof is rated PG for mild violence and alcohol.
The Arts Center is located on 1424 John Bragg Highway, just west of the town of Woodbury, approximately 20 minutes from Murfreesboro, Manchester, and McMinnville and one hour southeast of Nashville. Office hours are 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. For more information call 615-563-(ARTS) 2787. Check out our web site at