The Auburntown City Council met on March 6, 2018, with the following members of the City Council present: Rita Davis, Tina Fletcher, Dean Nichols, Martye Harris, Janice Fletcher, and Mayor Roger Turney. The meeting was called to order, and the February Minutes and Financial Report were read and approved.
Mayor Turney presented a Cash Flow comparison budget that was discussed by the Council.
Mr. Bobby Dutton has requested that hopefully a member of the present City Council look into the history of the Auburntown City Council which began in 1948 when the City was incorporated. Mr. Dutton would like to include this history in the book that the Auburntown Historical Society is currently working on for publication in the near future. Thank you to Martye Harris for agreeing to research the history of the Auburntown City Council for the Auburntown Historical Society.
The problem of potholes within the City Limits was discussed with options of using cold mix or contacting Hawkins Paving.
Finally, the Auburntown Volunteer Fire Department has scheduled the First Annual Frank Patrick Memorial Fish Fry for April 21, 2018, as a fundraiser for the AVFD.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Fletcher, City Recorder