Friday marked the regular meeting of the Cannon County Grand Jury. Those persons indicted during Friday’s session included:
Carlton Martin for Aggravate Burglary, Domestic Assault, Vandalism, Theft of Property, and Driving while License Suspended.
Kenneth Anderson for Initiating the Process to Manufacture Methamphetamine, Manufacturing Methamphetamine, and Promotion of Manufacture of Methamphetamine.
Timothy Mears for Initiating the Process to Manufacture Methamphetamine, Manufacturing Methamphetamine, Promotion of Manufacture of Methamphetamine (2 Counts), and Maintaining a Dwelling.
Johnny Wilson for Theft of Property and Failure to Give Notice.
William R. Prater for Aggravated Burglary, Theft of Property, Vandalism, Underage Consumption and Inhaling for Unlawful Purpose.