Lions Club International has had universal projects all Lions Clubs around the world work on. Currently the Global Causes are Vision, Hunger, Environment, Diabetes, and most recent Childhood Cancer.
Since Helen Keller spoke at an International convention in 1924 and challenged them to be her Knights for the Blind, Vision has been the main project. Over the years the Lions Club International has developed many projects for vision.
In recent years the disease known as "River Blindness" in areas of the Congo, the Nile River, and the Amazon have been eradicated due to Lions Clubs around the world. The White Cane you see in the hands of a person who is blind is a project the Lions started, along with most clubs assisting those that are indigent in getting eye exams and glasses, recycling used glasses, guide dogs, eye screening, eye banks, and many other projects.
Hunger is another universal project with many clubs starting a food bank or assisting their local food banks. Furnishing food to places that have had disasters, having food lines and soup lines, holiday food baskets and again many other projects.
Environment is another universal goal with Lions Club International. Planting trees, highway cleanup, water purification is some of the projects Lions Club members find themselves supporting.
Diabetes was added a few years back and many clubs have sponsored Diabetes Awareness Seminars to inform communities of the threat of Diabetes. Diabetes in America is the number one cause for individuals losing their sight, so this goes hand-in-hand with vision. Many clubs participate or sponsor a Strides Walk, which is a fund raiser for Diabetes research to find cures for this dreaded disease.
Childhood Cancer was added in July 2018 as the newest global project. Clubs are searching for projects to do for fundraising and service. Knitting hats for children in the hospital going through cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy is one such project. There is a program in the mill to collect funds for childhood cancer research within Lions Clubs International, but that is a future goal. The St. Baldrick's Foundation is leading the way in funding the best in childhood cancer research. Shaving the hair off the head to be bald like the children going through this battle and getting pledges from businesses, friends, and family is the most profitable way to raise monies for the research.
With all this said, Woodbury Lions Club member Carl Hirlston is having an event here in Cannon County and will have his head shaved on Saturday, March 30, 2019 12:30 p.m. at The Legendary Cuts Barber Shop (located on the lower floor of the Woodbury Medical Center at 503 S. McCrary) by master barber Charles Haynes.
Lion Carl will be asking for donations for Childhood Cancer Research both personal and business. Anyone interested in helping make this event a big success and to help raise money for this endeavor can contact him at 615-765-7453 or 615-464-5853.
When making a tax-exempt donation for this cause, please make the check payable to: "Woodbury Lions Club" and designate it for: "White Cane/Childhood Cancer Research."