The Auburntown City Council met September 7, 2010 at 6 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting. The mayor and all councilmen were present except Frank Patrick who was absent because of illness.
The previous monthly meeting of August was approved as presented by the City Recorder.
A copy of the financial report ending August 31, 2010 was given to each councilperson to review. After a short question and answer session the report was approved as presented. The total amount of funds on deposit was $44,586.60.
The extension of utility water up Hurricane Creek Rd. is to begin again very soon. The funds available to carry it further than one or two more houses is all that is anticipated.
The council passed unanimously a resolution to opt out of Statewide Building Code Standards for One-family and Two-family Dwellings in Auburntown.
The council passed unanimously on 2nd reading a Municipal Floodplain Zoning Ordinance.
The council approved replacing the AC-Heating Unit at the Auburntown Library Building that has quit functioning.
The council approved of giving the mayor the authority to investigate, get prices, etc., regarding replacing the old windows in City Hall with more energy efficient ones.
Three students from the Cannon County High School attended this meeting as an assignment of their US Government class. They were B. J. Adams, Travis Baines and Alan Lack.
The meeting ended at 6:55 PM.
Winfred Gaither,