Fall of the year brings an annual event to Cannon County that has horse enthusiast coming from everywhere. It's the annual Labor Day Ride-a-thon from Woodbury to Short Mountain. It has been going on since the 1940's and going to camp at Short Mountain for 40 years.
The Cannon County Walking Horse Association was formed in 1973 and bought land on Short Mountain for a campground. Since then the C.C.W.H.A., has worked and purchased over 400 acres to trail ride on. This weekends' ride will leave the fairgrounds at 11:00 am on Saturday, August 31st. The route of the ride will be through town on Hwy 70 to Hwy. 53 North. Then right on Seals Hollow Road around the North Side of Short Mountain Road to the C.C.W.H.A. campground. Camping will continue throughout the weekend until Monday. There will be many events scheduled throughout the weekend.
There will be a dance Saturday night from 8:00 pm till midnight. On Sunday, trail riders will venture out on the many trails on Short Mountain. There will be a fun horseshow on Sunday night beginning at 6:00 pm. Mrs. Elizabeth Bauman and her crew will have a wonderful concession stand to provide food throughout the weekend. There will also be C.C.W.H.A. t-Shirts available for purchase.
Most campers will camp until Labor Day, which is Monday September 2nd. This is a membership only event but yearly memberships are available for $50.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 5 years to 12 years (with adult membership). Four and under are free.
C.C.W.H.A. is proud to announce a special for this weekend only. A "Weekend Only" pass is available for $25.00 for adults. Children prices remain the same. So, load up the trailer, throw in the tent and the kids and knock the dust off of those saddles and come on up to the mountain. If you are out and about on Saturday, you can come watch the horses leave town. Just line the streets of Woodbury and wait for the equestrian parade. Please use caution when traveling the ride route as many horses will be sharing the roads with you.
For more information you can contact any board member listed below or check out our website at www.ccwhaoftn.info .
Benny Lance 615-653-7156, Shane Gannon 615-904-4396, Pallie Weaver 931-273-4115, Michelle Bailey 615-542-9519, Lorianna Blanton 615-294-4678, Sandy Alexander 615-542-3689, Wayne Hancock 615-542-3468, Ralph Givens 615-653-3789, Anna Nichols 615-904-5336, Brent Richardson 931-212-6382
Come join us in celebrating our 40th Anniversary!!!
We will be looking for you on the Mountain!!!