Kathleen Bean and two girl friends recently spent the weekend in Pigeon Forge.
Shirley Atnip visited Dollye Elam last week. Mance Davis Sr. and wife had supper at Mance and Beth Davis' home. It was little Annie's 5th birthday; a good time was had be all.
Steve Nichols recently spent a week with his aunt and uncle, Ben and Elizabeth Hartsfield. Sandy Brown has returned to New York after spending several weeks here visiting friends and relatives.
Several in this community are on the sick list. I hope they will soon be feeling better.
The wedding of Erin Loux and Chris Calderhead was in Knoxville, TN, last Saturday. Lots of her friends from Woodbury attended their wedding.
All people smile in the same language. Happy is the man who holds the tings of this world with a loose grip. True patience means waiting without worrying.