Glenn Atnip and twin boys, Connor and Caleb Atnip, visited his mother Shirley Atnip on Sunday.
Shirley Atnip visited Betty Duke on Tuesday. Betty is recovering from surgery and is doing well.
Laura Trail is home after being in the hospital for a while. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Helen Smartt is home after surgery. I hope she'll soon be feeling better.
My sympathy to the families of Ray LeFevers, Hoppy Davenport, Terry Reed and Paul Melton who recently passed away.
Georgia Alexander from Elkhart Indiana is here with her sister, Helen Smartt and family for a while, until Helen is able to care for her self and her family.
Ben and Elizabeth Hartsfield recently visited her sister and brother-in-law Juell and Doyl McConnell in Manchester.
Sarah Brown from Lakewood in Coffee County and her granddaughter Lynsee Smith from Murfreesboro visited Bonnie Stacy last Sunday afternoon.
Les Williams Sr. has been here visiting family and friends for several weeks. He has made Nicaragua his home for the past few years.
Violet Smith from Fairfield is spending a month in Palm Coast, Florida with her daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Roy Holyfield.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
It's the life behind the words that makes the testimony effective.
Small beginnings can have long-lasting results.
I will see something special in this ordinary day.
Treasure the moments of this day.
Plan for your future while living one day at a time.
Few wishes come true by themselves.